

Well, as it would turn out, my first hunch was correct... Nathan Gale was an idiot... I mean, it's cool to like bands... it's even cool to really like bands... but to the point that you go shoot one of the members in the head a bunch of times onstage for "breaking up the band" (which my personal opinion is that Phil Anselmo had way more to do with Pantera not being around anymore than either of the Abbott brothers) -- well, that's just ridiculous.

The sad irony is that Pantera was probably going to get back together and do some shows... Unlike some bands, most of the members are adults, able to work out their petty bullshit...

Apparently, Gale had gone around showing people song lyrics he had "written" (but were actually Pantera songs) and said he was going to sue the band for "stealing his identity" and things like that. I don't think we need much more insight into the guy toknow that there was a problem... problems...

Probably the most disgusting thing of it all is watching the news about it. Some of the newscasters are the most uninformed, biased pieces of shit I have seen since... since... well, the Gulf War, anyway... To hear people talking about how "heavy metal music is so violent" -- I even heard a newscaster propose a theory that due to Pantera's stance on the reformation of marijuana laws, it could have been a "drug-related murder..." GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK, YOU BIG BUNCH OF FUCKING ASSHOLE IDIOT DOUCHEBAGS! It would look to me that you have confused heavy metal with hip hop... Heavy metal music is aggressive, yes, and Pantera was one of the more aggressive bands out there... but in about ninety-nine of a hundred cases, not "violent" at all (whereas there's countless numbers of hip-hop/rap acts that are extremely violent in their messages and their actions)... do a little research, why don't ya? Oh, wait... that would require actual work.

There were reports in papers and the news about how this "could have been prevented" by simply having a handheld metal detector... I have some news for you speculatin' fools... Mr. Gale jumped a wall to get in (he would have never been searched in the first place) and made a beeline for the band... According to my friend Kevin, some of the bouncers had to go take care of a person that was smoking in the club (Columbus has just recently outlawed public smoking in enclosed businesses) and that may have given Gale all the opportunity he needed to make his way to the stage... So, sorry to disappoint you guys, but a fifty dollar metal detector probably wouldn't have prevented shit in this instance...

I didn't really like the last Pantera album (Reinventing the Steel) at all... in fact, I thought it just about sucked... Sadly, there won't be a chance to do anything about it, anymore, thanks to the convoluted thoughts and actions of one twisted, sick fuck.

Inasmuch as the man is most definitely "tribute worthy," I don't look forward to all the bands that are gonna jump on the "we love Dime" bandwagon, like Evanescence and countless other so-not-metal bands already have... there will be more schlocky tribute shit out that you'll be able to stomach, I'm sure... Two words -- Pepto Bismol.

Listening to: Unified Theory (2000)