

As I was working today, I heard a new song from Nickelback come on the radio. Now I've never really been a fan of 'em too much... just something about 'em that is... I dunnno... pretty weak, or something.
Their lyrics have always been pretty, um, shallow as well... I thought I had heard it all with that line from "Figured You Out" -
"I like your pants around your feet
And I like the dirt that's on your knees
And I like the way you say please
While you're looking up at me
You're like my favorite damn disease..."

Just when I think that's about the shittiest lyric on the planet (save just about anything by one P. Doody) -- no. Nickelback continues to impress with their latest from "Feelin' Way Too Damn Good" (from the same album, even) -
"...For 48 hours I don't think that we left my hotel room
Should show you the sights 'cause I'm sure that I said that I would
We gotta make love just one last time in the shower
Well somethings gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feelin' way too damn good..."

That, my friends, is some heavy shit, right there. Actually, it's just a "how to" guide to writing shitty songs... I seriously physically wretched as I was listening to this. This, on the heels of recently also hearing what I would have to consider the best song musically that I've ever heard from them... Don't ask me what the name of the song was... I haven't figured that out, yet... but it has a pretty good hook to it, actually... until the dude opens his mouth, and then I'm over it... ;)

Listening to: nonpoint - "Development"