
Damn, She's a Good Singer, Ain't She?

Yes, I like to give some particular people a hard time on here, on occasion... but see, there's a really good reason why I do that... because they deserve it.

I wouldn't call her a "singer," but I would call her "entertaining" for her lack of ability to be an actual singer -- Ashlee Simpson is back in the news, thanks to her "performance" at the NCAA national championship game in Miami on Tuesday... Sadly, I didn't get to witness this as it happened. I was at a local sports bar with my friend Mike, watching the game, eating Buffalo wings. We left right at halftime, so I missed it, live.

Seems the fans didn't really care for young Ms. Simpson's performance at the halftime show... and after watching it, I couldn't blame them.

Judge for yourself (I wish it was the whole performance, but it's enough to get the gist - the stuff before it is worse):

There's a "video" link to the right...

I know I was kidding before when I said about the only thing that would save her career was a Paris Hilton-like videotape being discovered... but seriously, at this point, I'm not sure it would help.

The really tragic thing about her is that Mtv has somehow seen it fit to give her another season of that stupid Ashlee Simpson Show, starting sometime late this month... it will supposedly chronicle her big faux pas on Saturday Night Live and all that at some point, as well (and surely, they'll manage to cut in enough bogus footage to make it look like her "acid reflux" story was true, or somethin', too)...

I seriously, seriously, can't figure out how some people get to be famous, let alone remain so...

Listening to: nonpoint-"Recoil" (2004)