
I Like to Beat Dead Horses, Sometimes...

I know, I know... More slagging of Ashlee Simpson is rather pointless... I mean, what more can anyone really say? Well, I never knew this until last night, but apparently, before that whole Saturday Night Live thang, Ashlee did an interview with Lucky Magazine where she addressed people that lip-synched. She said:

"I'm totally against it and offended by it. I'm going out to let my real talent show, not to just stand there and dance around. Personally, I'd never lip-synch. It's just not me."


Her dad and manager said in an interview the day after the "oops" that she was so hoarse from the acid reflux (which can irritate vocal chords) that she couldn't even get through any part of the songs in rehearsals... If that's the case, then someone tell me - how come at the end of the show, when she was standing there with Jude Law, blaming the whole thing on her band, her voice sounded totally normal? Makes ya go "hmmmm," doesn't it?

Listening to: Unified Theory