
I've Tried...

...but I just can't bring myself to like Audioslave. They just don't do it for me. I loved Soundgarden. I think I'm one of the few people that didn't get all fired up over Rage Against the Machine, though. I mean, I liked a handful of songs of theirs, but that was about it (I was a pretty big fan of Rage guitarist Tom Morello's old band, Lock Up, long before Rage was ever a band, though). But y'know, Audioslave doesn't sound like Rage Against the Machine... and I still don't like 'em... even with Chris Cornell. I think it's just that they're boring... or something.

NOTE: Anyone that would like a pristine copy of the first Audioslave CD that's never been listened to all the way through... email me (take out the "[nospam]" of course), put "Audioslave CD" in the subject line... and I'll send it to you. I figure someone needs to enjoy it... 'cause I sure as hell don't...

Listening to: Stone Temple Pilots ' "Thank You"