
...from the comments (regarding the post on the Limp Bizkit blog of their new "video"):

hey man, check their video on their main site, i'd love to hear your opinion!

Well, ask and ye shall recieve... I would have to say that "The Truth" is probably the best thing to come out of the Bizkitheads in several years... and it totally sucks ass.

I've tried... I reall have tried to adopt a "kinder, gentler Tony" when it comes to new music... and I've always liked Wes Borland... the smartest thing he ever did was get tired of Fred Durst's shit and leave Limp Bizkit... maybe the dumbest thing he did was ever come back... Well, it's not like he had any kind of burgeoning solo career, or anything, to look forward to... and I don't know how many people would want to watch "My Life With Wes Borland" (although I think it would stand to be more interesting than "My Life With Fred Durst")... so maybe coming back to the Bizkitheads was his only way...

Anyhow, the video... first off, it starts off with this stuff about how it's the first time Limp Bizkit has performed together since Wes left the band (which didn't really make too much since, BUT I assume that they were referring to the fact that while Wes was out of the band, the name was actually "LimpBizkit" (no space)... or something)... and then comes this thing across the screen that says, "This is the actual performance caught live on tape," which is probably half true, anyway... I mean, they were there, performing... but if they're trying to imply that the music was in any way "live," then they are bigger liars than Scott Peterson.

And the music? Ugh... Well, the riff... it's a typical Wes riff (which Fred I'm sure will take all the credit for teaching to Wes)... but it just goes over and over and over and over... and the chorus is boring... and the bridge is fucking stupid (thanks to Fred)... I mean, it's almost an okay song... until Fred opens his mouth...

So if I had to sum up what to expect from the re-Borland...ed... Limp Bizkit, I would have to say - more shitty nu-metal rap/rock that has been dead longer than Hoffa with Fred Durst's typical mookiness hollering, "Look at me! I got absolutely NO pussy in high school!"

Listening to: Chevelle - "This Kind of Thinking"