
It Would Appear I am Confused...

...which is not all that uncommon, really. But recently ex-Korn guitarist Brian "Head" Welch sent a "personal letter from God" to rapper 50 Cent regarding the fact that God told Welch to write a song about the rapper entitled "Cheap Name." The lyrics read in part:
"My little boy/ Bow your head in shame/ You've disgraced your father's name now/ It's time for you to lose... Your little toys/ Won't save you from shot 10/ Without me you will not win, no/ I swear you'll lose."
In the letter, Welch explains that he is convinced that the rapper is "a huge force for the devil." He also tells 50 Cent that he is not attacking him, just relaying a message from God. Welch said that the rapper is in danger because, "God told me there will be many attempts made to kill you by the enemy."

Okay... here's where I'm confused... If Welch is this born-again modern day prophet wannabe person for God, and if 50 Cent is a "huge force for the devil," then isn't 50 Cent, in fact, "the enemy?" If, on the other hand, the devil is "the enemy," then why would he want to kill 50 Cent, who is such a "huge force" for him?

It's about this point that I become convinced that Head may have done far too many drugs to make any sense.

Listening to: Opeth - "Damnation"