
Stefani Freaks

It seems that Gwen Stefani is pretty pissed at the fact that people don't take her or "her backup band," No Doubt, very seriously, anymore.
"I was in a band since I was 16 years old. I've been in a fucking rock band touring the fucking world for 18 years. So if you're gonna try and erase that, then I'm going to stick my finger right in your face. I know what it's like to be up on stage with anyone from a stupid, fucking wannabe punk rock band to opening for U2 and the Rolling Stones."
Way to embrace your roots, Gwen... Remember when your band was nothing more than a "stupid, fucking wannabe punk rock band?" I sure do. Oh, yeah... it was just last Tuesday.

You want to know why people have quit taking you and No Doubt seriously? Look in the mirror.

Seemingly more proof that Gwen Stefani has bought into her own hype... I can remember watching the video for "Don't Speak" several years ago and I told the people I was with that the things portrayed in the video will come true... Sure enough, you see that "solo" stuff that she's spewing out, nowadays, all dolled-up like some glamour queen... One of my friends pointed out that I predicted it years ago... I'm not right that often, but when I am it's pretty sweet.

On the plus side... she's got some nice legs...

Listening to: Johhny A. "Get Inside"