
One Band's Loss...

I'm pretty resigned to the fact that Sevendust will pretty much suck without Clint Lowery in the band, anymore... Oh, yeah - you didn't know? He quit the band mid-tour in December. But... his reason for quitting was so that he could devote his full attention to his new band, Dark New Day. This band features some pretty cool cats, actually - Lowery on guitar/backing vox (something he didn't get nearly enough credit for in Sevendust), his brother Corey Lowery (ex Stereomud, ex Stuck Mojo) on bass, Troy McLawhorn (ex DoubleDrive) on guitar, Will Hunt (ex Skrape, ex Tommy Lee) on drums, and Bret Hestla (ex Virgos Merlot/Virgos, ex Creed) on lead vocals/guitar.

I've liked all those bands (with the exception of Creed, which fucking sucked - I was soooooo glad when I heard that Hestla wouldn't be moving on to that Altar Bridge super-suckiness) over the past few years... I really liked Virgos Merlot, a lot... Hestla has a great voice, period...

I've heard a few songs ("Taking Me Alive," "Heal in Time," and "Lean") from their upcoming album, Twelve Year Silence, due out in June, and honestly, it sounds like Sevendust with Hestla singing overtop... which really isn't a bad thing in my book. It just makes me feel kinda bad for Sevendust, though, because they won't be close to what they were without Lowery (who was replaced with ex Snot, ex Amen guitarist Sonny Mayo).

Listening to: David Bowie - "Reality"