
The Tribulation Has Begun...

I was planning on doing a post on my favorite shit-for-brains, Fred Durst, and a recently discovered email to Paris Hilton, courtesy of the recent hack of her Sidekick. Well, fuck it... I'll talk about it anyway - but lo and behold, tonight, I discovered a beautiful addition to this story... well sorta...

So, Paris Hilton's phone got hacked, thanks to the fact that she used something so stupid as her dog's name to protect her password (note: learn from her mistake and don't do something so stupid that people, friends, potential ex-friends or otherwise can use their noggin and hack your shit with). What follows is reportedly the email from Fred Durst to Ms. Hilton. Okay, see... Fred is a dumbass, and he develops
these unnatural obsessions with various star-people... Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Halle Berry, Avril Lavigne, Lindsay Lohan (a minor, nonetheless), and Angelina Jolie have all been subjects of Durst's damned-near-stalking in the past, as well as public rants on his various webjournals... I wish I had saved some of the posts, because they were actually quite humorous and gave the reader some insight into the deranged idiocy that is Durst... Enter Paris Hilton:

Date Tue, 16 Nov 2004 09:14:28 -0800
From Wfd
To Paris Hilton
Subject Re:

So much it hurts me that you just vanished! You are my heart. You told me so many things about how much you loved me and I was the one. Remember I have been in the mountains recording since I last saw you. I come to LA for two days today then back to the woods until christmas. I know you love me and haven't been able to replace me!! I haven't fucking shaved since I saw you! I've been in a depression. But more clear than ever.

Okay... I just about chucked my dinner all over the place as I read this... it's probably the stupidest thing to come from his "mouth," yet... and he's responsible for some really stupid shit coming out of that mouth, too... Maybe Good Charlotte can take it and turn it into another shitty emo song.
If I remember correctly, about this time (November '04) was when he was writing in his journal about how much he wanted Ms. Jolie (something about a dream he had about her, blah blah blah, he wanted her more than he's ever wanted any girl ever in his life, blah blah blah...)... Never said a word about Ms. Hilton, ever... and Fred pretty much can't keep his mouth shut about anything, real or imagined.
I also remember it because I went to the LimpBizkit website and saw where Wes Borland had rejoined the band and they were in the mountains recording... he also was talking (and there were plenty of pics) about how the entire band all agreed not to shave until they left for Christmas, in an attempt to get all into the "mountainman" thing or something like that... so basically, it had nothing to do with any "depression" Durst was feeling towards Ms. Hilton... or maybe everyone in the band was boning Ms. Hilton and they were all depressed and not shaving... That actually makes a small bit of sense, considering the skankiness of Ms. Hilton.

Beautiful shit, I tell ya... but it would seem that Durst's story got even better, today...
(next post, yo)

Listening to: Kyuss - "Welcome to Sky Valley"