
Too Fast...

I was a Motley Crue fan way back in the day... The first two albums (Too Fast For Love and Shout at the Devil) were really great... I mean, I was twelve when Too Fast... came out, and despite owning albums by Judas Priest, Van Halen, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and Iron Maiden, I hadn't really heard anything quite like it. Shout... picked up the intensity a little bit for me... Then, Theatre of Pain came out, and they lost me... like, completely. They went from being kick ass metalheads to pure suck... I didn't have any trouble moving on - by that time, there was all kinds of juicy metal morsels for me to wrap my mits around. Seemed like everyone around me thought Girls, Girls, Girls and Dr, Feelgood were something special, but I thought they had just continued the suckdom strategy...

Fast forward to today... I have to admit - Vince Neil's voice probably sounds better and stronger now than it ever has (some of it could possibly be attributed to good ol' studio trickery, but I choose to think that he has just been taking better care of himself in recent times and it shows)... Yup, he sounds great... too bad that the new Crue music that he has to sing over fucking sucks.

Listening to: Faith No More - "Album of the Year"