
Tripp Gets the Boot

Static-X has fired guitarist Tripp Eisen after his arrest in New Jersey on charges related to the alleged sexual assault of a fourteen year-old girl he met over the Internet.

From the band's Web site:

"Static-X has parted ways with guitarist Tripp Eisen, effective immediately. Tripp is currently dealing with personal issues that prohibit him from being able to fulfill his commitment to the band. No replacement has yet been chosen..."
Yes... I would tend to call pedophilia a pretty "personal issue..."

Static-X sucks root... straight up. At least the other guys in the band were smart enouigh to see that they needed to separate themselves from this guy's ordeal, though... As stated before, someone needs to knock the snot out of him and then drop him off for some long-term, intensive therapy.

Listening to: The Cult