
(from the comments)

hay you should shut up and leave christina alone because i bet you she's prettyer, more talented and sexyer than you so shut up. her video is called Dirrty not dirty. OKAY?

Damn... they told me, huh?

This was in reference to a really old post where I slammed Christina Aguilera's performance on some Mtv thing where she blew one of those god-forsaken six thousand note vocal runs so bad that she lost her shit and embarassingly laughed at herself, even...
(note: if you go to that post, you'll notice that there's no place to comment... the person that commented found the post via an old, cached version of *Xtatic musiC* 2.0 - which, if you notice, the comment is on the wrong post, lending greater support to their obvious mental power)

But yeah... she's "prettyer" than me... I would hope, anyway (I think she's pretty stank nasty, myself, but I don't see myself as remotely "pretty"). She's most likely "sexyer" than me, as well, considering I'm pretty "unsexy." More talented? I will defer to someone else on that one, I guess, 'cause I'm not gonna sit here and talk about how well I play a guitar, or sing, or otherwise... but I can say that I have had bodily-excretory functions that are more talented than her.

...and thanks for pointing out my spelling "mistake" on that whole "Dirrty" thing... coming from someone that spells as well as you do, I am truly humbled...

Listening to: Alison Krauss MP3 CD