
What Does the Future Hold?

My friend Mike and I were sitting around watching tv, last night... Mike is one of those "non-commercial" kinda guys, so when ever a show goes to a break, he starts flipping the channels like a madman (and I can't really blame him that much - if I have to sit through that Burger King Tenderscrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch commercial with Darius Rucker one more time, I may hurt someone). We come across VH-1 and they were re-airing that "...And Ya Don't Stop" tribute/retrospective on hip hop... After watching it for a few minutes, we came to a very interesting realization. It's no news flash that the big "music video channels" don't really show music videos, anymore (in fact, Mtv rotates a whopping total of thirty-five videos a week) - they air programs about the music videos they used to show ten years ago (when they, in fact, showed videos), or in Mtv's case, they air programs that usually don't have anything to do with music, at all. So what are these channels going to be airing in another ten years? Shows about the shows that were about the videos they used to air? Or maybe Pimp My Ride: The First Ten Years? Will they bring back all the girls from My Super Sweet Sixteen for a week long retrospective about what it was like to be a sixteen year-old spoiled brat? Will they go hunting down the former members of B2K or Blink 182 and try to get them to reunite (well, hey, at least that has something to do with music - sorta)? ...and you thought the programming now sucked...

Those of you that are lucky enough to get VH-1 Classics and/or VH-1 MegaHits, be glad that there is still someplace where you can watch a video music channel that actually shows nothing but music videos.

Listening to: The Mars Volta - "Frances the Mute" (2005)