
Am I Getting Ripped Off?

Sometimes, there are weird coincidences... and then, there are those Twilight Zoney ones that make ya go "hmm..." for example -

In a post less than 48 hours ago, I joked about how, when offered money to praise the Big Mac, KISS' Gene Simmons would probably be the one rock guy to jump on the band wagon, although he would probably want MacDonald's to change the name to the "KISS Burger" or the "Big KISS."

Lo and behold (via antiMUSIC) :
(note: this story is an April Fool's hoax... but I thought that the timing was incredibly freaky)

Gene Simmons has revealed his latest money making venture, KISS Burger. The grease painted KISSer announced the formation of the new fast-food chain which will sport a KISS theme with employees donning the family makeup and outfits of the group. During a press conference on Friday, Simmons said of the new venture, "We've sold KISS caskets, condoms, tampons and oh yeah millions of records, so this was the next natural step for KISS. KISS burgers, KISS shakes, KISS fries! All KISS with my tongue on every wrapper! At our grand opening I will wrestle Ronald McDonald and show everyone who's the real God of Burgers!"

Simmons said that they hope to open the first franchise in early 2006 in Peoria, Illinois. As for the menu items, Simmons said that is still being focused grouped but he is considering making KISS Burger the first kosher fast-food chain. Paul Stanley had no comment.

Considering that there is another story regarding Fred Durst's gay wedding to Wes Borland also appears on the day's news (besides my Durst-bashing in general, I had a post in February that took a poke at Fred and Wes being lovers), I'm beginning to wonder if the girl that wrote both those stories comes and reads my site... makes ya go "hmmm," I tell ya.

Listening to: Mudvayne - "L.D. 50"