
Lennon is Lonely

Sean Lennon, son of the late John Lennon is using the help of a newspaper to place an ad for his next girlfriend...

According to the New York Post's "Page Six," Lennon is looking for someone under the age of 45 with a kind heart.

In the interview, Lennon says, "Any girl who is interested must simply be born female and between the ages of 18 and 45.

"They must have an IQ above 130 and they must be honest. They must not have any clinical, psychological disorders... and a kind heart.

"Clearly beautiful - but beauty on the inside is more important - but no deformities, third legs, fifth nipples...

"I'm completely alone and I'm completely miserable. So please send your request to (Page Six)."

I've seen where some people have been giving him shit about doing this, but c'mon. What's the difference in doing this and placing an ad on an Internet dating site (which hundreds of thousands of people do every day)? Granted, most of us don't have the pull to get a spot on the Post's Page Six column, and I would have to think, "He's John Lennon's son... surely there would be girls lined up to take a crack at him..." Maybe not?

Listening to: Flyleaf - Flyleaf