
Wanna read a funny interview?

Scott Stapp "AIM Interview"

Be warned: if your bullshit detector doesn't go off at an alarming level... well... anyhow, you may possibly laugh youself to death at the way this little "interview" is put together to look like... well, to look like it's remotely real... and not pandering to that dufus and his swollen head.

There are many lowlights in it, such as his favorite movies of all time : "Scarface" and the "Godfather Trilogy" (how original). This was a keeper:

PeteInMusic: do you get influenced by other music you listen to when writing?
ScottStapp73: i don't listen to music
PeteInMusic: really? none at all?
ScottStapp73: i spend so much time writing , creating and rehearsing my own
ScottStapp73: that when i'm alone - i prefer silence

What a fat, piece of shit liar... and complete egomaniac.

Listening to: The Cure - "Before Three"