
from the "wow, they're still trying this" department:

Aerosmith and Motley Crue have announced additional dates for their "Route of all Evil" tour, recently...

I just don't get it... Well, I "get it..." I mean, there is an audience for everything... even washed up usedtowasits... Well, I guess that's not quite that fair. I have recently commented that Motley Crue singer Vince Neil's voice is probably the best-sounding that it's been since Shout at the Devil... or even ever, maybe... and I actually found the Aerosmith song "Jaded" to be catchy enough to throw into rotation on my radio show back in the '01... but... well... Okay. I know there are people out there that are still living in the '80s, clinging desperately to their acid washed jeans and Aqua Net, waiting for the resurgence of hair metal back into the mainstream... but that stuff will never make it past the revivals at county fairgrounds and stuff like that, anymore... music had moved on... Aerosmith should have taken their own advice and taken a Permanent Vacation after they released that album... y'know... go out on top, not rehash he same, sappy, piece of shit "love song" over and over and over for another 20 years. The Crue should have really given it up when they thought that wearing electric pink would be a good idea...

Oh, hell... I don't know. Maybe they all have big bills leftover from the decade of decadence that they still need to try to pay down, or something... I'm almost embarassed for them, but I'm too busy cringing at the thoughts of new music from them... One thing's for sure, though... All the little hotties that were flashing their boobs at these bands 20 years ago... are 20 years older... and most likely still flashing their boobs... and I would hope that the spotlights are firmly in my face when they do if I was those guys on stage.

Listening to: Eagles of Death Metal