
I was flipping through the channels... something I do... and I came across this Stone Sour video ("Through Glass," I believe)... these guys are all, like, getting down... to a song... that does so not get down... You'd have thought they were jamming to "Master of Puppets," or something... I muted the tv... watched for a few seconds... "Damn... they're rockin' out..." unmute... "Hey, this song is pretty fuckin' wimpy for them to be bangin' like that... who do they think they are, Nickelback?" I'm not sure who told them that they looked cool throttling to a lame-ass cheeseball song like that... but my advice is for the next video, either pick a song that actually rocks, or tone down the theatrics a wee tad.

The next video was actually rather good, though... Alison Krauss and Jon Waite doing a remake of "Missing You." Not as good as the original... but better than that Stone Sour shit, anyway. Corey Taylor needs to go back to Slipknot and pretend to rock there, instead... at least people won't have to look at his ugly mug, anyway.

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So... I hear this rumor that one of my all-time favorite bands ever, the Police,are going to open up the Grammys this year... the rumor also is that they're gearing up for a 30th anniversary reunion tour thing... All I can say is that I hope it's more than a rumor... 'cause there's been enough rumors about a Police reunion over the years, already.

On a related note, I recently got a really cool Police DVD - Everyone Stares. Stewart Copeland bought a super 8mm camera early on with the Police and basically proceeded to film all kinds of crazy shit... What resulted was this DVD - which actually paints the Police in a very positive light... considering how they used to fight like cats and dogs (which, seriously, they did out of a deep admiration and respect for one another), I was expecting at least a little smack talk... but there was none... just a really cool piece on the rise of one of the coolest post-punk bands, ever.

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