
[NOTE: The following was also posted at the PMS newsgroup as a response to a dialogue from posts regarding one Mr. Fred Durst (which can be seen here) and Ms. Courtney (daughter of Satan) Love]

When I posted a recent rant on Fred 'Sug' Durst (which I also posted at http://xtaticmusic.blogspot.com - which, in turn, made for a nasty piece of hatemail to come my way - my guess is Fred can't read, so it probably wasn't him, (although there WERE hits on the page from a Jacksonville, Florida pipeline)), I think what I really wanted to say (BESIDES that he's just a mook) was more to the situation between him and Taproot.

I read a review recently that claims that Taproot "got famous by stabbing Fred Durst in the back," but, in my opinion, nothing could be further from the truth... Taproot is an incredibly talented group of fellas from Ann Arbor (boo) that I played on the radio quite a bit in the afternoons (see my upcoming "flavors" article for some words on their new CD)... A couple years back, Fred Durst was on a recruiting clip for Interscope when he started talking to people from Velvet Hammer Entertainment, home of Taproot and System of a Down... Fred was stringing Taproot along, not really making any major type of commitment to sign them (musta been out doin' it all for the nookie), so they got sick of waiting and decided to do showcases in front of other labels (later signing with Atlantic), and I sincerely HOPE that no one would blame them for that... Enter said "nasty answering machine message" (which can be found on KaZaA or other p2p networks in about 6/10 of a second and you should really hear it to get a glimpse inside his tiny brain). Like I stated before, he proceded to basically threaten them and tell them they were done and all that... THEN, becuase of their relationship with Velvet Hammer, he proceeded to drop System of a Down from the Family Values Tour, went on tv and called the bands' manager (David Beveniste) "a piece of shit" and at that point had pretty much showed the world how big of a retard he was. Obviously, both bands have since found themselves an ever-growing audience despite people's efforts to sabotage their careers... Yeah yeah, Fred got people interested in them in the first place, but they would have garnered interest if they would have had a stinky sock doing their promotion... they're just that good, and incredible live.

My whole point, I guess, is that Fred Durst doesn't speak for me or any of the musicians that I know when it comes to music and the music business - as best as I can tell, he is only speaking for himself, and not that he would ever ask or care about what "just another nobody like me" has to say but I would offer him a simple piece of advice - learn how to behave as a representative of his record company and the industry (let alone any bigger voice he has fooled himself into believing he has), or better yet, maybe stop acting as a representative...