
Scott Weiland Charged With Heroin, Cocaine possession

The latest from the "Why am I Not so Surprised at This?" department: Scott Weiland has been arrested yet again on drug charges... Seems he was picked up by the police after driving around without his lights on with a syringe rolling around in the floorboard (shit like that happens, I guess, when you are too high to remember where you put it). He was charged with heroin and cocaine possession and released on a $25,000 bond.
Weiland was most recently working with former members of Guns 'n' Roses in a project called Reloaded, with a couple songs on the upcoming Hulk soundtrack...
So, kiddies... the lesson to be learned here is this: When you are out driving around with some stank ho banging speedballs after midnight, be sure to have your headlights on... and when you're done with your syringes, don't leave them laying around in the floorboard... got it?

Listening to: Soilwork - "Figure Number Five" (2003)


Townshend Cleared of Child Pornography Charges

Pete Townshend, co-founder of legendary rockers the Who, was cleared last week on charges that he posessed child pornography... but he was placed on the UK Sex Offenders Register for a period of five years...

Okay, I have tried to keep silent on this, but I decided that I needed to speak on it a little... I was going to talk about it after I heard he had been arrested back in January, but decided to bite my tongue and wait and see how it all went, first...
First off, I am relieved that the police cleared him of the charges. Townshend himself has agreed to be placed on the Sex Offenders Register for five years as a "caution" (and thus, have a DNA sample of himself put on record and all that lovely stuff). When I first heard of this, I was pretty outraged, but the fact that Townshend agreed to it made it a little easier to bear... maybe...
Those of you familiar with the music of the Who will remember the lead character from the album Tommy, a "deaf, dumb and blind boy," was sexually abused by an uncle ("Uncle Ernie") and physically abused by a cousin ("Cousin Kevin"). In fact, Townshend believes that he was abused physically and sexually while he was in the care of his mentally ill grandmother as a young child.
I had read somewhere early on in this all that when Mr. Townshend was doing his research for his autobiography, he had written a letter to the head of an organization that deals with child abuse, among other things, stating his intentions to access a website that dealt with child pornography... and then after his "arrest," the man who he had written the letter to said that it never existed and all this garbage...
So was this a "witch hunt?" Probably not. I would like to think that the police had what they thought was credible information regarding Mr. Townshend before they acted, and that they weren't "out to get" him, or anyone else for that matter. What it boils down to is that Mr. Townshend admitted only to using a credit card to access a site that contained images of chld pronography... and that he never downloaded nor posessed any of the images, despite what many media have portrayed...

Listening to: Strapping Young Lad - "SYL" (2003)


Metallicahk... Brie Lovers

Seems that your favorite bunch of sellouts and mine, Metallica are gearing up for three free shows in one day in the lovely country of France - you know, the country that Christ was not born in... because they couldn't find three wise men and a virgin... I'm wondering if this is their idea of charity, or something (would hate to be one of the crowd at that last show... well, who am I kidding? I wouldn't be in any of the crowds in the first place.). I've got an idea... why not while Metallica is in France being so kind as to play three free shows in one day... why don't they stay there? Please? Become the Jerry Lewises of the 21st century, okay? Stay there and be loved by them all... and eat puff pastries... and fois de gras... and sip little cups of coffee... okay, guys? please?

Listening to: Tom Waits - "Bone Machine" (1992)


"I can't get to sleep
I think about the implications
Of diving in too deep
And possibly the complications

Especially at night
I worry over situations
that I know will be alright
It's just overkill

Day after day it reappears
Night after night my heartbeat shows the fear
Ghosts appear and fade away..."

...a shy nod to my dear friend/hottie Brenda for inadvertantly reminding me how much I totally love this song...

Listening to: King Crimson - "Discipline" (1981)

More Press For Those Fucking Spoiled Osbourne Prat Kids

Okay, so the 17 year-old son of the Ozzman, Jack Osbourne has voluntarily checked himself into rehab...

"We are rallying behind him and are immensely proud..." - Sharon Osbourne

ummm... yeah... I know, Sharon, you're proud of your 17 year-old son that's addicted to drugs... Great. So, gee... Y'ever wonder how he got that way? Gotta say this, good luck to the little chip off his daddy's block (of cocaine)... but Sharon, you are still such a bitch... and I never use that word in reference to women, ever... and yet, you are... you are so phony-baloney, it's a fucking joke... I think I'm also still mad because you re-released the old Ozzy catalogue with re-recorded drum and bass (what? too cheap to pay the original players (bassist Bob Daisley and drummer Lee Kerslake) some well-deserved royalties?)...

Listening to: Chris Whitley - "Hotel Vast Horizon" (2003)