
More Press For Those Fucking Spoiled Osbourne Prat Kids

Okay, so the 17 year-old son of the Ozzman, Jack Osbourne has voluntarily checked himself into rehab...

"We are rallying behind him and are immensely proud..." - Sharon Osbourne

ummm... yeah... I know, Sharon, you're proud of your 17 year-old son that's addicted to drugs... Great. So, gee... Y'ever wonder how he got that way? Gotta say this, good luck to the little chip off his daddy's block (of cocaine)... but Sharon, you are still such a bitch... and I never use that word in reference to women, ever... and yet, you are... you are so phony-baloney, it's a fucking joke... I think I'm also still mad because you re-released the old Ozzy catalogue with re-recorded drum and bass (what? too cheap to pay the original players (bassist Bob Daisley and drummer Lee Kerslake) some well-deserved royalties?)...

Listening to: Chris Whitley - "Hotel Vast Horizon" (2003)