
WHY Are These Guys Still Making News?

It seems that cock-rockers Great White just don't want to stay out of the music news... I guess as long as they're still talking about you, it doesn't matter what they say, just keep talking...

The night they played at the Station in Rhode Island and killed all those people, their fee was $5,000. After that, they started playing "charity shows" to raise money for the victims of the Rhode Island fire... their fee? $6,000... and that's after all the "charity..." They claim to be "incurring more costs" on this leg of the tour and complete bullshit like that. Well, maybe they are... maybe they've developed an extra $1,000 a day heroin habit after dreaming about watching their lame-assed pyrotechnics burn a hundred people alive night after night in their sleep (which is the least that they deserve, honestly)... The truth of the matter is that they are just as big a bunch of lame, hairsprayed jagoffs now as they were in 1988... they sucked then, and they super-suck now... and why they expect people to pay them more money is beyond me... if anything, they should pay people to come watch them play (and to be honest, you'd have to pay me a hell of a lot to go see them)...

Jack Russell, you're a geek... you didn't fool anyone with your crocodile tears after you burned all those people to death, including your own guitar player (and didn't have the balls to go to his funeral). Your band isn't worth fifty bucks a year, much less six thousand a night. Do yourselves a favor and just go away... or else I shall keep taunting you until you cry...

Listening to: NOT Great White, that's for sure...