
I Love Me

I was rather happy when Blink 182 announced their "indefininte hiatus" six or so months ago... Well, I just hate that emo crap... it sucks. It SO sucks. Blink 182 was one of the better bands of the genre... and they sucked.

So now, Blink guitarist Tom DeLonge has announced that he will be coming out with a new album with his new band, Angels & Airwaves.

Somewhere out there in cyberspace, DeLonge said, "I have a new band ... and it is the most amazing music I have ever made by a long shot. I am two songs from finishing the best fucking album anybody has heard in 20 years."

Oh, boy...

I'm not even sure where to begin, here, but I'll try to find a spot.

The Southern Harmony & Musical Companion
Mer de Noms
Sonic Temple
Boggy Depot
White Pony
OK Computer
Far Beyond Driven

Jesus Christ... do I really have to list the thousands of albums that will blow the doors off of this album, no matter how good it actually is?

Does this guy really believe that he is capable of making anything other than bubble gum piles of shit that only 14 year-old girls find "killer" in any way? People crack me up sometimes... this guy really cracks me up.

Listening to: Sonic Youth - "Dirty: