
Kanye West is Insane

I posted something on this subject back in February... but somehow, it got eaten by Blogger... I had kinda forgotten about it afterwards... but everytime I think of it, it still burns me up, yet makes me laugh almost hysterically... okay, maybe not hysterically, but I do laugh...

It seems that Mr. West thinks that he should be a "griot" (West African storyteller) in a modern revision of the Bible.

He says, "I bring up historical subjects in a way that makes kids want to learn about them. I'm an inspirational speaker.

"I changed the sound of music more than one time... For all those reasons, I'd be a part of the Bible. I'm definitely in the history books already."

Okay... is that not possibly the nuttiest thing you've ever read? Which "Bible" is he speaking of? the "Bible for Complete Douchebag Headcases," maybe? And maybe he's in the "History of All Things Crap?"

Changed the sound of music??? More than one time??? From... mediocre to purely shitty... to abysmal?

It was for this reason, almost single-handedly, that I wanted him to lose every category he was nominated for at the Grammy's... I didn't bother to watch, but saw a recap of all the awards right after it was over... and as I scrolled down, he kept losing... and losing... and losing... until BAM (shit!)! He won one... I think he turned out to win three Grammy's... and I was almost pissed... not that I give a shit about awards shows... but that someone thought his shit was worthy of praise... let alone what it was inevitalbly going to do to his already whacked-out ego.

Someone needs to tell him to shut up for a change, because everytime he opens it... insane shit comes out.

Listening to: "The Cars Anthology - Just What I Needed"


French MPs say song downloads must work on any player

Angelique Chrisafis in Paris and Cosima Marriner
Wednesday March 22, 2006
The Guardian

The dominance of the Apple iPod hit its first European stumbling block yesterday when French MPs voted to force companies to allow music downloads to be played on all types of digital players, not just their own.

*sigh* whatever...
There's an Eric Cartman quote in there, somewhere... but y'know.

Listening to: David Gilmour - "On an Island"


I thought that "drummers beating on non-drum" shit went out in about 1994... but apparently not... There were these guys on Conan O'Brien recently called... well, let's not bother to name them... all with their day-glo black light get-ups... and... they were horrible... I'm talkin', "Holy shit, that sucked" horrible... It was possibly the most boring exhibition of percussion, like, ever. "Oh, wow... you beat on a garbage can with the exact same pattern for about three and a half minutes... and you... YOU! You switched from a pickle barrel to a car tire rim... amazing..." ZZZzzzzzZzZZZzzzzzzzz...

Listening to: The Police - "I Burn For You"