
Mother of All Creatures Great and Small

Okay, so I'm flipping around the channels here a little while ago... I pass good ol' Mtv - I see someone rapping (wow imagine that, eh?)... as I'm flipping the channel, I catch the title bar saying something about "...Rock and Roll..." So, I go back to Mtv, get info on the program - it's "Live From the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Guest - 'Xhibit'" ummmm... HUH??? So, lemme get this straight... They've got a TV show from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame... today's guest performer is... a rapper... Okay... What about this seems NOT kosher? hmm... could it be the words "Rock and Roll" in the term "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame," maybe? It's not the Rock and Roll and Rap Hall of Fame, is it? I mean, did they change it, or something? Oh.... wait... this is Mtv I'm talking about, isn't it? I forgot that they don't have a genuine bone in their body and they'll take advantage of ANYTHING if they can squeeze a buck out of it... but in the meantime, SHAME ON YOU, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame... you're a sucky Hall of Fame...