
I was just viewing the stat referrals and stuff like that here on http://xtaticmusic.tk and I noticed that in the past few months, I've been averaging about 2,200 hits a month... and I hadn't posted on it since May, basically... Anyhow, after a little more research, I noticed that people are coming to my site from all over (from Belgium to Budhapest to Boston to Bangladesh), using about every search engine imagineable, even from searches for "nude girls" and stuff like that (it seems some search engines are very thorough in their web archiving)...
I have a few bands linked down the left side from around my old stompin' gorund and stuff... but why not let me link your band, too! What in the world could it possibly hurt? I'm also more than willing to write a post about your band (after I have researched and listened to them and all that, of course), as well, which will be archived on all the search engines, which will lead to - you guessed it - more people hearing about your band and stuff... what band in their right mind wouldn't want more hits on their website? It also makes for more content for my page, which I am always searching for...
So send me an email and give me some info about your band (bio, link to webpage, where to get your band's music, all that good stuff) and I will be more than happy to give you a big fat link down the side of my page, which people WILL see and go, "Hmm, I wonder who they are," and click it... which is cool for you, and makes my page look spiffier, too.


Listening to: Shinedown - "Leave a Whisper" (2003)