
R.I.P. Warren Zevon

I was never really an incredibly intense Warren Zevon fan in my life. Sure, I've heard "Werewolves of London" a bazillion times just like everyone else... In later years, I was also able to discover some more classic tunes like, "Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me," "Lawyers, Guns and Money," "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner," "Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead," "Splendid Isolation," and "I Was in the House When the House Burned Down" (as well as some of the stuff he did with the guys from R.E.M. under the name Hindu Love Gods). I never rushed out to see him in concert, or anything like that. I probably should have, but I didn't... because I'm stupid like that, I guess...
No, I was never a great big Warren Zevon fan... but I can say this. I caught the David Letterman Show he did where he was the entire show last year (after he began treatment for mesothelioma) and more recently, I saw a biographical show outlining the making of his farewell album, The Wind, and I found out that he was a really, really, really cool guy. The world could probably stand to have a few more Warren Zevons in it. It definitely stands to learn a thing or two about itself from him...

"Enjoy every sandwich..."

Listening to: "The System" on CourtTV