
Hell on Earth, Part Eleventy Billion

Hell on Earth, Part Eleventy Billion

Well, I guess you could say that all has been revealed... finally... and it pretty much turned out like I thought in the first place... bullshit.

Shane Bugbee, host of Three Ring Radio on RadioFreeSatan, has unearthed the hoax that was the "suicide show."

Apparently, Shane advertised the suicide video "FOR SALE" on his site at one point last week, in hopes that the family and friends of the "victim" would come forward and try to stop him from selling it, or that the "suicidal friend" would come forward and expose the hoax... Of course, Bugbee never intended to actually sell the video. What ended up actually happening was that Shane's site was hacked and taken offline for 3+ days... His ISP told him to get lost... Hell on Earth frontman Billy Tourtelot quit calling Shane every day (presumeably because he was unhappy with Bugbee's attitude towards the scam)... The FBI visited Shane... twice...

According to Shane, most of the people he has spoken to regarding his site being hacked have suggested that the band is behind it... well, at least someone associated with the band - I'm not sure that collectively they have the IQ or computer skills to hack a hairball, let alone a server... which could spell some pretty serious trouble for them if that's the case...

Anyhow, Shane has turned over all the video footage that was given to him to ogrish.com, because it seems he's ready (and rightfully so) to wash his hands of the whole ordeal... But save your time... Ogrish only posted a 20 second clip of Tourtelot telling non-believers to fuck off... There is no footage of a suicide taking place, simply because it doesn't exist...

So, there you have it... Lameness to the extreme... A shitty band getting ready to release a CD of shitty music wanted to get some publicity, and they certainly did... Now, little morbid fuckstickls from all over the planet that think guys fucking dead calves onstage is cool will get their CDs and claim to have been hardcore fans from the start and all this ridiculous shit...

Mission accomplished, Billy Tourtelot... but at the end of the day, you're still a cheap-assed, lame, no-talent douchebag...

Listening to: Sevendust - "Seasons" (2003)