
Websites Return After Absence

Websites Return After Absence

Both HellOnEarth.net and EvilNow.com have returned to the internet after a conspicuous absence. No updates have been made to either page since before the whole "suicide show" thing was to have happened. In fact, the Hell On Earth site seems to be even a little older than before... a bit odd, to say the least...

I've been trying to reach Shane Bugbee from EvilNow for a couple days, but I haven't heard back... I know he had another show to get ready for this week and such, and with the problems with his website absence (his wife's site was also been down, as well), and at last word, he was still being swamped by reporters... so the lack of updated info on his page is certainly excuseable, but I'm not sure what's up with the Hell On Earth page's "non-currency..." yet...

Listening to: my bones creak...