
LimpBizkit Sued by "Fans"

In a move reminiscent of what fans did to the band Creed, 172 fans have filed a class-action lawsuit agaist Fred Durst and his company, Limp Bizness (what a queer name), for "breach of contract." The suit comes after fans felt they were cheated out of ticket value of a July concert in Chicago, where LimpBizkit ended their show after only seventeen minutes after being contracted by the venue to play for ninety minutes...

Now this is classy: The suit claims that Durst and company cut its set short after displaying "obscene and profane messages to the crowd via four giant monitors," which of course made the crowd really happy with them, which made Fred happy right back at them, taunting them in return with "explicit sexual putdowns" and "disgusting homophobic and anti-gay statements." What a great guy.

Of course, it has always been my contention that Fred likes to sling anti-gay stuff around because he is, in fact, gayer than a football bat...

Good luck to the filers of the suit... I wish they could just sue him for his right to be in public ever again, but this is a good step for now...

Listening to: Dar Williams, cont'd.