
Oh, Brother...

I like to see where people come from when they visit this place... A lot of you come from search engines... and a lot of you come here from searches that are... well... a little silly... I mean, do you really think that somewhere in the universe, you'll actually find a legit nude picture of Otep Shamaya or Talena Atfield? Come on now, little men, exercise your common sense instead of your wrist muscles...

Listening to: my brain ache... in stereo...


115k and Counting...

The lates numbers on the Stop Ashlee Simpson Petition have grown to over 115,000 in the time since I signed it... which I think is awesome. Maybe there's a reason to have a little faith in America, after all... well, the people that are trying to put a stop to Ashlee Simpson probably like her sister, though, which are points against them, too... and they'll latch on to the next "big thing" that someone tries to tell them is big, so... hmm... well, maybe some of you won't...

Listening to: Five Pointe O - "Untitled" (2002)

More Hmm...

Now that I think about it, Papa Roach is another one of those bands that has multiple new singles out like Nickelback... They have that "Scars" song mentioned previously, and they have that song "Getting Away With Murder" out, too... the station here owned by ClearChannel is pushing both of those songs as "new" (although I heard "Getting Away..." out in Colorado in, maybe August?)

I'm pretty convinced that ClearChannel is the devil when it comes to music... well, okay, barely behind Mtv (not necessarily Viacom, although the stupid Super Bowl "wardrobe malfunction" lays at their feet pretty firmly) in the race for "demonic overlord of horrible music/pop culture trends."

Listening to: Firesign Theatre - "Waiting for the Electrician or Someone Like Him"


I heard another song on the radio a while back... I think it was from Papa Roach. I wanna say the title of the song was "Scars." It has a line in it:

"The scars remind us the past is real..."

...that was soooo ripped off from a movie I saw, recently... But for the life of me, I can't remember what movie it was. All I remember is a scene in low color or black & white... a guy sitting at a desk or something... a woman's voice saying that line... was it Dark City, maybe? Nah... One of the later Hellraiser titles?

Someone out there knows what movie I'm talking about... please... help me to remember... please... ;)

Listening to: Killswitch Engage

from the comments:

that's not fair. nickleback is a good band.
chelle 01.19.05 - 7:06 pm

Okay, for starters, I'm not ragging on the premise behind the songs, y'know? What they're talking about is a good thing... Good songs can be written on the subject of sex/sexuality... but these are not them.

No, what's not fair is for radio stations to play three different new Nickelback songs in a five-or-so hour period and trying to pass them all off as "the latest single..." which, they basically are. Record companies are so friggin' greedy, now, that they can't even pace themselves when it comes to takin' people's money... "Hey, let's push three songs at once. One of them will appeal to a lot of different people and we can get our money from them now instead of six months from now..."

I hold the shitty corporate radio stations responsible as well, though. They're far from innocent in the whole deal. They're arm in arm with the record companies and the promoters (in several cases, they are the promoters, too), skipping like Dorothy, the Lion, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man down the Yellow Brick Road all the way to the Big Assed Bank...

...And in the end we get totally screwed by these guys promoting such horrible music. I mean, honestly, and I'm not trying to disrespect fans of Nickelback (that much, anyway), but they're just a sonic ripoff of Bush with an even fuglier frontman with probably less talent... and they'll disappear, too, just like Bush... I hated Bush... (they'll probably try to put something out in the next few and it will fall miserably flat... because all they can do at this point is basically rip off themselves)

I was beginning to be under the impression that the "totally interchangeable, shitty rock" style was so tired, already... I thought people had wised up to what good music sounded like... but no... they still crave big heaping piles of sonic crap...

Chelle, I'm sorry, but Nickelback is a bad band... a very, very bad band...

Listening to: Killswitch Engage - "Alive or Just Breathing" (2002)


...from the comments:

what's wrong with nickleback?
chelle 01.17.05 - 9:07 pm #

Well, chelle, how aboot for starters, they blow?

Listening to: that SAME damned chord change in my head... but it's in a different key, now...



If you have a couple minutes, you need to go check this out:

The Punk-O-Matic!

Do yourself a favor and read the "help" real quick... You can actually come out with some cool stuff (that's probably already been written a couple of times, but still)...

Listening to: Whitley

A Beautiful Thing

This is the best thing I've seen in a couple days...

The Stop Ashlee Simpson Petition

I am number 25,555... In the, oh, three minutes since I signed it, there have already been another hundred people sign it... Makes me happy... :)

Listening to: Chris Whitley - "Rocket House" (2001)



As I was working today, I heard a new song from Nickelback come on the radio. Now I've never really been a fan of 'em too much... just something about 'em that is... I dunnno... pretty weak, or something.
Their lyrics have always been pretty, um, shallow as well... I thought I had heard it all with that line from "Figured You Out" -
"I like your pants around your feet
And I like the dirt that's on your knees
And I like the way you say please
While you're looking up at me
You're like my favorite damn disease..."

Just when I think that's about the shittiest lyric on the planet (save just about anything by one P. Doody) -- no. Nickelback continues to impress with their latest from "Feelin' Way Too Damn Good" (from the same album, even) -
"...For 48 hours I don't think that we left my hotel room
Should show you the sights 'cause I'm sure that I said that I would
We gotta make love just one last time in the shower
Well somethings gotta go wrong 'cause I'm feelin' way too damn good..."

That, my friends, is some heavy shit, right there. Actually, it's just a "how to" guide to writing shitty songs... I seriously physically wretched as I was listening to this. This, on the heels of recently also hearing what I would have to consider the best song musically that I've ever heard from them... Don't ask me what the name of the song was... I haven't figured that out, yet... but it has a pretty good hook to it, actually... until the dude opens his mouth, and then I'm over it... ;)

Listening to: nonpoint - "Development"


I've had this chord in my head for about three days, now... well... it's actually a change from one particular chord to another... I picked up my guitar and thought I got it out of my system, but no... It's still there. I hear the change... all day long. It's an awesome-sounding change, so it's not like I'm sick of it... I just can't get rid of it...

Does that ever happen to you?

Listening to: The music in my head... at least it's better than Nickleback...


What Gives, Bitch?

My favorite asspony, Fred Durst, hasn't been posting in his blog, recently... well, since about the middle of November... I'm almost sad. I need some more "burts o' Durst's wisdom" and stuff to make me complete, again... am I gonna have to get on the phone and make some calls, here, or what?


Listening to: my bones creak...

Damn, She's a Good Singer, Ain't She?

Yes, I like to give some particular people a hard time on here, on occasion... but see, there's a really good reason why I do that... because they deserve it.

I wouldn't call her a "singer," but I would call her "entertaining" for her lack of ability to be an actual singer -- Ashlee Simpson is back in the news, thanks to her "performance" at the NCAA national championship game in Miami on Tuesday... Sadly, I didn't get to witness this as it happened. I was at a local sports bar with my friend Mike, watching the game, eating Buffalo wings. We left right at halftime, so I missed it, live.

Seems the fans didn't really care for young Ms. Simpson's performance at the halftime show... and after watching it, I couldn't blame them.

Judge for yourself (I wish it was the whole performance, but it's enough to get the gist - the stuff before it is worse):

There's a "video" link to the right...

I know I was kidding before when I said about the only thing that would save her career was a Paris Hilton-like videotape being discovered... but seriously, at this point, I'm not sure it would help.

The really tragic thing about her is that Mtv has somehow seen it fit to give her another season of that stupid Ashlee Simpson Show, starting sometime late this month... it will supposedly chronicle her big faux pas on Saturday Night Live and all that at some point, as well (and surely, they'll manage to cut in enough bogus footage to make it look like her "acid reflux" story was true, or somethin', too)...

I seriously, seriously, can't figure out how some people get to be famous, let alone remain so...

Listening to: nonpoint-"Recoil" (2004)