
I've Tried...

...but I just can't bring myself to like Audioslave. They just don't do it for me. I loved Soundgarden. I think I'm one of the few people that didn't get all fired up over Rage Against the Machine, though. I mean, I liked a handful of songs of theirs, but that was about it (I was a pretty big fan of Rage guitarist Tom Morello's old band, Lock Up, long before Rage was ever a band, though). But y'know, Audioslave doesn't sound like Rage Against the Machine... and I still don't like 'em... even with Chris Cornell. I think it's just that they're boring... or something.

NOTE: Anyone that would like a pristine copy of the first Audioslave CD that's never been listened to all the way through... email me (take out the "[nospam]" of course), put "Audioslave CD" in the subject line... and I'll send it to you. I figure someone needs to enjoy it... 'cause I sure as hell don't...

Listening to: Stone Temple Pilots ' "Thank You"



I just saw scrolling along the bottom of CNN where a high school band has been asked not to perform the song "Louie Louie" in an upcoming parade... due to the song's questionable lyrics... which the marching band does not plan on singing in the first place...

Listening to: Mitch Hedberg - "Mitch All Together"



Scientists at McGill University have recently deciphered the text from the oldest known copy of the New Testament... and according to the Greek writing, in the book of Revalations, the "number of the beast" has been revealed to NOT be "666," but in fact, "616."

Y'hear that sound? It's the sound of thousands of tattoo-removal lasers being fired up.

Read the whole story here.

note: I had to change the link (AGAIN) 'cause the original (and secondary) story is gone after seven days from the original site... but it's okay, I found (yet) another site with the same story...

Listening to: Stone Temple Pilots - "Thank You"


ClearChannel Split

(from Yahoo)

SAN ANTONIO - Clear Channel Communications Inc. on Friday unveiled plans to split up its media empire by spinning off its entertainment business. The nation's top radio broadcaster also said profit fell by more than half in the first quarter.

Following the breakup, Clear Channel Entertainment — which puts on concerts and sporting events — will have more flexibility as a separate and "largely unregulated" public company, Clear Channel said.

However, the radio giant will hold onto a controlling stake in Clear Channel Outdoor, which sold some $2.5 billion in billboard ad space last year. The company did not say when or at what price it is planning the IPO.

Listening to: Muse
Waters Completes Opera

(from Yahoo)

NEW YORK - After almost a decade, Pink Floyd founder Roger Waters has finished his opera and he hopes it's not just another brick in the wall.

Waters is considering a November performance "Ca Ira" live with a symphony and chorus in Rome, coinciding with its release as a double CD this fall, Rolling Stone reported April 29.

"Ca Ira" was inspired by the French Revolution.

Waters is also working on a rock album, saying he has enough songs to put an album out tomorrow, but he wants a more coherent collection.

"I just keep smashing paint up against the canvas and waiting for it to make sense," he said.

Listening to: Muse
Anselmo's Ex Auctions Stuff

(from Blabbermouth)

Stephanie Opal Weinstein, ex-wife of former PANTERA and current SUPERJOINT RITUAL frontman Philip Anselmo, is auctioning several pieces of PANTERA memorabilia on eBay, including a few items of clothing that were previously worn by Anselmo: a wedding shirt, an "Evil Dead" jacket, a "Nodferatu" jacket, and a "jamming" shirt. Also being auctioned are a gold CD award for PANTERA's "Official Live: 101 Proof", a PANTERA framed award for "Vulgar Video 3: Watch It Go", and a MORBID ANGEL/SOULFLY concert poster.

A posting on the auction page reads as follows: "[Stephanie and Philip] were soulmates for over 10 years prior to tying the knot. During those years, they wrote numerous songs together and produced tons of music. Both being musicians, they always created phenomenal energy that resulted in her inspiring him in lyrics and he, in turn, touted her as one of the best rif guitarists he has ever known. During those years, they toured all over together..."

Anselmo and Opal got married on Halloween 2001 (photo#1, photo#2) and had previously collaborated on Stephanie's SOUTHERN ISOLATION project, which issued a self-titled EP four years ago.

Listening to: Muse
Maybe There is Justice in the World

Back in November, I posted about how Paris Hilton thought she was going to become a pop singer and all that garbage... Well, it seems that all the people that she's trying to work with (with the exception of Lil John) are telling her to fuck off.

Yeah, she approached LeTigre about collaborating... and she got a whole lotta nothin' in return... Then she approached the Black Eyed Peas... who also passed. J.C. Chasez admitted to sitting in on a studio session with Hilton, but passed on the idea of working with her...

So that would lead me to believe that the only reason that Lil John is stickin' around to work with her is because she gave it up to him... which would come as no surprise, whatsoever.

So why doesn't resident asspony Fred Durst come to the rescue and lay some tracks down with her? I mean, after that schlocky love letter he sent her, you'd think he would run to put out some music with her...

Listening to: Muse - "Absolution"