
Lennon is Lonely

Sean Lennon, son of the late John Lennon is using the help of a newspaper to place an ad for his next girlfriend...

According to the New York Post's "Page Six," Lennon is looking for someone under the age of 45 with a kind heart.

In the interview, Lennon says, "Any girl who is interested must simply be born female and between the ages of 18 and 45.

"They must have an IQ above 130 and they must be honest. They must not have any clinical, psychological disorders... and a kind heart.

"Clearly beautiful - but beauty on the inside is more important - but no deformities, third legs, fifth nipples...

"I'm completely alone and I'm completely miserable. So please send your request to (Page Six)."

I've seen where some people have been giving him shit about doing this, but c'mon. What's the difference in doing this and placing an ad on an Internet dating site (which hundreds of thousands of people do every day)? Granted, most of us don't have the pull to get a spot on the Post's Page Six column, and I would have to think, "He's John Lennon's son... surely there would be girls lined up to take a crack at him..." Maybe not?

Listening to: Flyleaf - Flyleaf


Floyd Rules

PINK FLOYD have been named the greatest rock act of all time in a poll of fans in the UK. The band, whose classic line-up reunited at Live 8 in July, beat LED ZEPPELIN into second place.

The remainder of the top 10 was as follows:

#3 - The Rolling Stones
#4 - The Who
#5 - AC/DC
#6 - U2
#7 - Guns 'n' Roses
#8 - Nirvana
#9 - Bon Jovi
#10 -Jimi Hendrix

The poll, run by digital radio station Planet Rock, also named the 70's as the golden age of rock.

Hmmm... Bon Jovi in the list? Ahead of Hendrix, even??? Hmmmm.....

Listening to: King's X
Disturbed Not "Metal"

In a recent interview with Blabbermouth.net, Disturbed drummer Mike Wengren had this to say about being referred to as "metal..."

"We don't pigeonhole ourselves in metal. We think our music is more rhythmic. There's a lot that gets attached to metal — the look, the weird vocals that really don't fit our music."
The "look" doesn't fit? So, your singer running around with face piercings wearing a prison jumpsuit... doesn't fit? "Weird vocals?" You guys are the current kings of the "nu-metal 'weird' vocal." What the heck are you talking about? You're metal, and you know it... bad metal, but still metal.

Listening to: King's X - Dogman


Doody Still Cashing In on Fallen Friend

Well, it seems that Sean "Doody" Combs just can't keep from fleecing the public courtesy of his long-dead friend, slain rapper Christopher "Biggie Smalls" Wallace. He will release Notorious B.I.G. Duets: The Final Chapter on December 20th, which pairs Biggie with rap/r&b fols like Jay-Z, Eminem and Mary J. Blige. As if that's not lame enough, he takes the idiocy one step further, having Biggie performing "duets" with also-deceased performers like Bob Marley, rapper Big Pun, and Biggie's sworn enemy, Tupac Shakur.

When I heard that last one, I was so embarassed on behalf of the Wallace family for Diddy's lack of respect for anything... as long as it will make him a buck (or a shitload of 'em), who cares, right?

There's no way in a thousand Hells that this is really the "final chapter" in Diddy's exploitation, is it? I mean shit, next he can weave some unreleased tracks together and have Biggie waxing philisophical on morality, Will to Power and crack-dealing with Ghandi, Nietzche and 50 Cent. Oh, you think I'm kidding...

Listening to: Jeff Buckley ' "So Real"
Wanna read a funny interview?

Scott Stapp "AIM Interview"

Be warned: if your bullshit detector doesn't go off at an alarming level... well... anyhow, you may possibly laugh youself to death at the way this little "interview" is put together to look like... well, to look like it's remotely real... and not pandering to that dufus and his swollen head.

There are many lowlights in it, such as his favorite movies of all time : "Scarface" and the "Godfather Trilogy" (how original). This was a keeper:

PeteInMusic: do you get influenced by other music you listen to when writing?
ScottStapp73: i don't listen to music
PeteInMusic: really? none at all?
ScottStapp73: i spend so much time writing , creating and rehearsing my own
ScottStapp73: that when i'm alone - i prefer silence

What a fat, piece of shit liar... and complete egomaniac.

Listening to: The Cure - "Before Three"


John Lennon, Twenty-Five Years Later

Over the years, several times I have been asked, "Where were you when you heard that John Lennon was killed." The short answer? In bed.

I was a huge Beatles fan growing up... I'm talking HUGE. Ask any member of my family and they will concur. I listened to a lot of other music and stuff, but up until the age of twelve or so, it all began and ended with the Beatles.

December 08, 1980... I was eleven years old. I had been watching Monday Night Football, because I always did, until it was time for me to go to bed... I don't remember exactly who was playing anymore, but I want to say it was Miami and Green Bay, or maybe Dallas. I was getting geeked up for Christmas (you should have seen some of the things my brother and I did as youngsters in preparation for Christmas - it was awesome - I miss feeling like that... a lot)... Anyhow, I was crashed out. A little after 11pm, I remember my dad coming in my room and waking me up and saying, "Tony, I have some bad news. John Lennon was just killed. Some guy shot him." He didn't turn on the light when woke me up and I can remember his giant sihlouette being backlit by the hall light... and those words... and this ice cold feeling shooting all through my body. I asked my dad, "Why would someone want to kill him for, Dad?" to which my dad just said, "I'm sorry son, I don't know" (I always liked when he called me "son").

I asked myself that question for a long time, wondering why someone would want to do something like that to someone, anyone... It was crazy and senseless then, and it still is, now. Yeah, I later read all the stuff about "Catcher in the Rye" and how Mark David Chapman had equated Lennon to represent all that is evil, or whatever... but it never made it make anymore sense.

No one can ever know what would have come if Lennon hadn't been killed... if he would have reunited with the rest of the Beatles (fucking... YOKO!), if he would have released any more music that would have changed lives, or if he would have slipped quietly into anonymity... but, y'know, weird shit happens... we never can explain really why and it never makes sense... but weird shit happens.

Listening to: "Bring Me the Disco King" - David Bowie - Reality
Dimebag, One Year Later

I'm not really sure what to say about it, but I feel I should say something. After all, Pantera and the Dime were huge influences on my "metaldom..." but I almost feel like a bandwagoner for taking about it like so many others.

The guy that killed those people was an idiot... everyone knows that. He took people's lives that didn't deserve it in order to try to prove some strange point that didn't even make any sense.

Abbott's family is suing the Alrosa Villa for, among other things, not having dealt with the assassin when he was identified as a tresspasser a few hours before the shooting and for not having metal detectors (as someone who's been to many, many, many shows at the Alrosa - it's such a cozy little place... metal detectors where probably never even thought to have been needed at a place like that before the events of a year ago).

Listening to: "Into the Void" - Black Sabbath
If You Needed More of a Reason To Hate Her...

It has been reported that Courtney Love is selling one fourth of the Nirvana back catalog to... get this... Martha Stewart.

As to what Martha will do with her share of the catalog... who knows? Use "Smells Like Teen Spirit" to sell towels or something, maybe?

As for Courtney, I've always despised her... because she's pure trash... and now? Yeah... more.

Listening to: cKy - "Lost in a Contraption" cKy - Volume I


KaZaA Banned in Australia

Sharman Networks has cut off anyone with an Australian IP from accessing the page where the file-sharing program can be downloaded. Anyone in Australia who has the program can still use it, although Sharman has warned them not to do so.

...people still use KaZaA???

Listening to: Chris Whitley - "Narcotic Prayer"

Old school guitar hero Eddie Van Halen and his wife of 24 years, actress Valerie Bertinelli, are calling it quits after 24 years of marriage. It is reported to be an amicable break.

It seems that they have been separated for the last four years. So does that mean she ran out on him after he was diagnosed with cancer? Or was it before, when he was tipping the bottle pretty heavily? hmmm... Any way that it went down, it's sad.

Listening to: Clutch - "Escape From the Prison Planet"


I did this the other day... I did the main image from a poster I found on the web that was about 2x3... I was telling my friends that I wanted to slap some wings on him... so I did that earlier today. It's almost what I was thinking of...
I love Illustrator... just by the way and stuff...

Listening to:


Scott Stapp Makes me Laugh

Former Creed frontman/current solo artist Scott Stapp is an idiot... He's approaching Fred Durst status, at this point.

I've seen about ten different versions of what happened, but here's what seems to be the most accurate account (given all in common with the various reports):

Thanksgiving Day... Baltimore... Hotel lounge... Members of the band 311 were watching a basketball game with their wives when Stapp comes in... he is obviously very intoxicated... he talks to the members about how he jumped onstage at a 311 show and they didn't throw him off, and he thought is was cool... He then starts spouting about how that "helped him" (?) do whatever it took to start his own band, "win a Grammy, VMA's, Billboard Awards, sell 30 million albums, blah blah blah, I'm a drunken dick..." He then goes over to the bar and starts doing shots, at one point throwing the shotglass against the bar and breaking it (should have been asked to leave at that point, in my opinion). He then goes over and sits with a 311 member and his wife, who had moved to a table to avoid Stapp and his escapades... Stapp says that he would like to fuck the guy's wife... Another member of 311 joins the table... first member asks Stapp to leave the table... Stapp then sucker punches the member that just joined the table... brawl ensues... Stapp's significant othe comes over and sits on him to keep him from getting up and getting beaten further... Stapp is eventually restrained by hotel security and asked to leave the hotel... One person from the hotel says that 311 started the fight, while basically everyone else maintains that Stapp was the one looking for trouble.

There are also reports that he attended a taping of a show for Spike TV show Casino Cinema this past Tuesday... He showed up intoxicated and behaved "poorly."
From the moment he walked into the studio, he was rude, belligerent and drunk," an eyewitness tells the New York Daily News.

"With (host) Beth (Ostrosky), he was nothing but extremely mean, sexist and an all-around jerk."

Another source reports that even with his publicist along, Stapp cursed "every other word," constantly flipped the bird and referred to Ostrosky as a "bimbo."
My guess is that this is the only way he can continue to generate any press, because his music is so pathetically sucky... gotta get in the news somehow, so maybe getting shitfaced and acting like a clown is how he thinks he needs to do it... to which I say, "Way to go... dumbass."

Listening to:Pink Floyd - "Is There Anybody Out There: The Wall Live"