
Wicked WHAT???

When I head that Jada Pinkett Smith was coming out with a metal band, I laughed... really hard. When I heard that Fishbone founder Philip Fisher was gonna be playing drums, I thought, "Well, maybe it won't be so bad?"

So, enter Wicked Wisdom... I'm sure they're going to catch some flack... well... a lot of flack just because she's the wife of "good boy" rapper Will Smith (hey, I liked her in Boyz N the Hood, but couldn't stomach the Matrix movies enough to give her a chance) - she's credited as "Jada Koren" on the album, apparently. The song "Something Inside of Me" - well, the music itself is not horrible, or anything... I mean, there are some pretty good musicians involved... but it's been done before by some girl named... oh, crap... what is it? Oh, yeah... Otep (complete with abused little girl lyrics). The only other song I've heard thus far is "Cruel Intentions." It's pretty okay... again, with some Otep trappings. But her voice isn't nearly as bad as reviewers are trying to make it out to be and her "(non) sense of rhythm" is obviously deliberate. I've heard much worse in the way of new music. Will I go out and spend money on it? Eh, I dunno, yet.

Oh, well... Good luck to Wicked Wisdom. They'll be needing some along the way, I have a feeling. Metal fans are whiny bitches, sometimes... and someone like Jada Pinkett Smith trying to crossover into Ice-T territory... I dunno if they're gonna buy it, or not... they might...

Listening to: Crowbar