
A New Domain

Okay, you can still get to this page from the normal link:


and now, you can get here from


NOTE: if the DOT.TK homepage is down, this link won't work... grrr...

as well... same exact place, different names... (oh, yeah. the "tk" address has a very painless, unobtrusive popup... I can turn it off if I want, but they won't advertise my site if I do (nor will they send me a spiffy shirt)). But those of you who already have the "blogspot" link bookmarked have nothing to fear... it's not going anywhere...

ALSO, you can get email to me now at tony@xtaticmusic.tk, should you feel the need.

Listening to: King Crimson - "The Power to Believe" (2003)


Please Don't Cry, Kelly

Kelly Osbourne is mad because Mtv (the company that made her remotely famous in the firstplace) won't play her new video... Granted, Mtv completely went in the crapper in recent years by limiting the number of different videos they'll show in any given week (I think the current number of videos per week is 35) and showing nothing but goofy, non-music-related shows most of the time, anyway... but y'know, shut your piehole you whiny brat... you're on the damned network all the time anyway, cussing at your mom and dad and stuff like that, why are you bitching? (oh, yeah, wait... I forgot, you're bitching because you are Kelly "super-spoiled brat" Osbourne)

She can claim she doesn't care, but the fact reamains that her album "Shut Up" has sold only 134,000 copies in the US since its release in November of last year.

In a recent interview, she said: "I honestly don't care if I sell any albums. People don't see me as an artist, they see me as a television star. And I don't care. I don't care if people take me seriously as an artist." uhhh... yeah, right... you don't care... that's why you did it in the first place, then... and that's why you spent an entire episode of The Osbournes screaming and crying and cussing your parents to get them to let you have the chance to be a recording artist... because you don't care... [Tony smells a weak-assed sour grapes cop out]

Listening to: The Dillinger Escape Plan - "Calculating Infinity" (1999)


I Didn't Need to Take This Quiz to Know This, But...

White pony
You are White Pony! Sensual, sexual and
luxurious... You are premium deftones.

Which deftones album are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

...basically a no-brainer, there...

Listening to: Voivod - "Voivod" (2003)


Puddle of Mudd Bumps Album to August


Maybe in between then, they'll manage to do the world a favor and just break up... or maybe they'll be the "unfortunate" victims of a coalition bombing friendly fire incident... are you listening, General Franks?

Listening to: Dredg - "Leitmotif" (1998)


That last post comes courtesy of my friend, Mike... I think I'm just gonna have him post over on his new weblog and then just link to it here in posts... it might be easier that way... and that way give him a chance to spout about all the non-musical stuff he likes to spout about, as well... we'll see...

Listening to: The Cars - "Anthology" (disc one) (1995)


Fred "I'm the Man" Durst

Well, I almost talked nice about him the last time I wrote about him, because he was almost deserving of respect (regarding the whole Britney Spears ordeal on the Howard Stern Show)... Now, he's coming out and saying that he wrote all of (former Limp Bizkit guitarist) Wes Borland's guitar parts... Fred, shut up... Shut up, Fred! FRED, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

"That's why Wes wanted his freedom , because I really told him what to play, I wrote everything (and) did everything."

Jesus, you are such a big bowl of your own toss, Fred. You make me (and pracitcally every other musician worth a shit) sick, and I can't wait for your queer little duet of "Turn the Page" with Metallicahk on your totally gay tour with them and Linkin Puke... I mean, you went and fucked up an almost decent Staind song ("Outside") - "This is the real muthafuckin' deal, y'all..." uhh... yeah, whatever, there, geek... so what's to keep you from fuckin' up another song? (Oh yeah, I forgot, Metallica already went and fucked that song up in the first place)...
Anyhow, Fred, it's time for you to get a clue and realize you don't represent shit in the real world of music... you never have, and you never will... oh yeah, rap-rock is soooooooo 1998, already. Get a clue, nerd...

Listening to: still Dredg... :)

Flaming Lips to Release EP

April 22 is the date set for the release of a new Flaming Lips EP, adorned with many covers, including:

Kylie Minogue - "Can't Get You Out of My Head"
Radiohead - "Knives Out"
Beck - "The Golden Age"

also two new songs:

"The Strange Design of Conscience" and
"Thank You Jack White (For the Fiber-Optic Jesus That You Give Me)"

as well as "Flight Test" and a remix of "Yoshimi" from their recent release, "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots."

Upcoming US tour dates:

April 15: Athens, Ga. (40 Watt Club)
April 16: Charleston, S.C. (Center Stage)
April 17: Asheville, N.C. (Orange Peel)
April 18: Norfolk, Va. (NorVa Theatre)
April 20: Washington, D.C. (9:30 Club)
April 21: Baltimore (Recher Theatre)
April 23: Boston (Roxy)
April 25: New York (Roseland)
April 26: Philadelphia (Electric Factory)
April 27: Pittsburgh (Metropol)
April 29: Columbus, Ohio (Newport)
April 30: Pontiac, Mich. (Clutch Cargo's)
May 3: Chicago (Riviera Theatre)
May 4: Champaign, Ill. (Canopy Club)

Listening to: Dredg - "El Cielo" (I'm sooo hooked) (2002)


Happy St. Patrick's Day

I'm doing this in an attempt to avert getting pinched by Yo......

hmmm... come to think of it... is it that bad of a deal? hmmmmm

Other than that, I'm on the phone right now, and it's sorta rude of me to be talking and typing at the same time... so... more music stuff, later...

Listening to: someone talking in my ear... (2002)



After I posted this, I got to thinking about it, and it didn't make much sense at all to have Buckethead in A Perfect Circle... just not his bag, baby... which brought my to my next (much more plausible) guess... Howsabout Nine Inch Nails guitarist Danny Lohner? It makes much more sense, what with the whole Billy Howerdel (Nine Inch Nails former guitar Tech and APC founder)/Reznor/Maynard/Tapeworm connection... Guess we'll see... I hate having to guess at shit...

Listening to: CKY - "Infiltrate - Destroy - Rebuild" (2002)


A Perfect Circle Annonces New Lineup

Yes, sadly, Paz Lenchantin has moved on... to Zwan (a.k.a. "Smashing Pumpkins, Mach, like, IV") permanently... yiccch...
She has been replaced by Jeordi White (a.k.a. "Twiggy Ramirez" formerly of Marilyn Manson).
Troy Van Leeuwen has left APC, as well (was most recently spotted as a member of the ever (r)evolving lineup of Queens of the Stone Age).
He has been replaced by a guitarist who is being referred to only as "Renholder, a man of many hats..." from what I have gathered, I'm thinking that maybe they are referring to, in fact, Buckethead (a.k.a. Brad Carroll), most recently of a revamped Guns 'n' Roses... I can really be for sure on that yet, though. It is speculation on my behalf, alone, based on clues I have received...

Listening to: Dredg - "El Cielo" (2002)


Fred Durst... I'm Almost Impressed

I just got done watching Fred "Sug" Durst on the Howard Stern Show... and I have to say that I was nearly impressed with how "well-behaved" he was being... until it kind of became apparent why he was behaving so nice about things... Well, firstoff, it's Howard Stern, and he's a one-track-mind fucking jerk, like I even need to explain that... so the entire half-hour was devoted to Fred and Britney Spears... which is really all I cared about, anyway, so cool... The first half of the interview, Fred is basically being pretty evasive about everything, not flat out saying anything concrete... acting a bit "timid," actually. As time goes on, he's opening up a little more, revealing details about things like how she behaved aggresively toward him, the authenticity of portions of her anatomy, and such... Howard brings up the stuff that Britney has been saying about how she "doesn't really know him," and stuff like that, to which Fred replies, "She's a lying bitch" (a ha... the real Fred is starting to poke his head out, I see), and starts letting some things slip about the whole "production" ordeal and all that and then, without coming out and saying "I did her," talks about what positons he did her in... again, without ever really saying, "I did her..." By the end of the interview, Fred is joined by (his personal security guard?) Paco, and since Fred isn't really coming out and admitting it directly (by now, obviously in an attempt to avoid some kind of potential defamation situation), Paco dishes that Fred and Britney, in fact, did ride the hobby horse (he was there, apparently)...
So I was a little disappointed that Fred wasn't being himself, and very nearly impressed at his restraint... but it was all an act. He was all like, "I can't believe this is an issue... I wish it wasn't," and goofy shit like that. Give me a break... I mean, shit, what did he think Howard was gonna talk about on the show? The band? Wes Borland? The new album? Bottom line, do I think he got it on with Ms. Spears? Absolutely... Do I have a changed opinion of Fred? Well, hell no I don't... I mean, decent interview, I guess, but he's still Fred... but he tried, anyway... even if it was only to avoid getting his ass sued off...

Listening to: Sigur Ros - "( )" (2002)


Newsted to Ozzy??

Ex-Metallica bassist Jason Newsted has been a member of Voivod now for a little while... Metallica announces this past week that they have tapped (Ex-Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves, Jerry Cantrell, and Ozzy Osbourne) bassist Robert Trujillo to take Newstead's place... NOW word has it that Ozzy has asked Newstead to come and join his band (which still consists of Zakk Wylde and ex-Faith No More drummer Mike Bordin)... according to what I've been able to gather, Newsted said that if he did it, it would be more of a "guest" thing, because he is dedicated to Voivod (who's new album with Newstead hits the shelves tomorrow)... we shall see, eh?

Listening to: Sevendust - "Home" (1999)


I must give much props to for helping me discover a truly awesome band... Dredg. Okay, I had heard a song or two of theirs before, but after coming across her weblog on a total fluke and communicating with her a little bit, realized that we have tons of music appreciation in common... We had a little conversation one day regarding her going to see Dredg & Glassjaw... That night, I was at Sam Goody... no Dredg... told Garrett, "Hey, order me some Dredg." He did ('cause he's cool like that), I got it, and... and it's really a great CD. "Great" as in "really fuckin' great." So... if I wore a hat, I would tip it to you, Brenda. Maybe I'll go buy one just so I can.

Listening to: Glassjaw - "Worship and Tribute" (2002)

They've Lost Their Minds

I think that VH-1 oughta maybe think about changing the name of The Rock Show to The Rock Show For People With a Shitty Sense of What is or Has Ever Been "Rock"... or maybe The Rock Show For People That Don't Really Like Rock Music... They show, like TWO videos that are worth a shit and the rest is crap... Okay... so it's only half over and the only things worth sitting through were Foo Fighter's "Learn to Fly" (barely) and Faith No More's "Epic" (which is probably my least favorite song of theirs, ever) so far, and it's not looking good on the path to any redemption... The rest has been, like, "Girls, Girls, Girls" by the Cr�e, "Jaded" by Aerosmith (the best song they've done in years, but it's pop, totally), "California Girls" by DLR (again, pop as shit), "Underneath it All" by No Doubt (good band, not a rock band, though), etc... I guess it's just gonna have to be Uranium (on MMUSA)or bust for music video shows from now on...
Okay... WAIT JUST A FARGIN' MINUTE... Moby's "South Side???" on The ROCK Show? Whomever they've put in charge of programming this show is really, really confused (and whatever marketing people thought that the JayZ Heineken commercial was a good spot to run is on the ball, as well - I mean, when I ran national spots on my radio shows, I usually had different spots to pick from, depending on the format of the station... was pretty easy to not run the hip hop Busta Rhymes Mountain Dew spot in the middle of my rock radio programming...). *sigh*
OH, MY GOD!!!! U2's "Elevation" is... ahem... NOT ROCK, EITHER!!!! Thank the gods it is over, now, so I can shut up about how piss poor their programming for that show has gotten... Back to my CD player, damnit...

NOW Listening to: Dredg - "El Cielo" ("The Sky") (2002)