
To all the folks coming here from search engines regarding the interview of Maynard James Keenan by Kurt Loder:

There is currently no transcript available, yet, but when there is, I will try to get ahold of a copy and post it...

I've seen literally tons of traffic here looking for that... so... bookmark me, yo?


Listening to: Stone Temple Pilots - "Thank You" (2003)

Work is Coming Along...

Work on the xtaticmusic.net site is coming along... I did a few different layouts for my own amusement and I think I have settled on one of two very basic ideas which can be seen on this test page.
I was thinking about doing a big "bells & whistles" page in Flash and such... but I decided that a really super-basic page (I said "fuck it" to HTML editors like Dreamweaver and the like, and am doing it all in NotePad (Hell yeah! Old-school, baby!) that was more user-friendly (I, like most surfers I know, fucking hate going to graphic-intense pages (broadband or no) and sitting and waiting for background images and big, bloated jpegs to load), streamlined, and painless was the right way to go... that leaves way more room for the good stuff - content.
I should have it all squared away in the next couple weeks, and then will be constantly adding in content to make it an even better place to go hang out than here... well... okay... Actually it will complement this site nicely, I think...

Listening to: Joe Jackson (& Friends) - "Heaven & Hell" (1997)


Mikey is Slick

Michael Jackson in an interview with CBS's Ed Bradley:

"Before I would hurt a child, I would slit my wrists."

Did ya catch that? Notice that he did not say, "Before I would molest a child, I would slit my wrists." That's because, in most cases, a pedophile does not believe they are "hurting" a child when they molest them (in fact, they tend to see it as an "act of love")... Therefore, what Michael Jackson is saying is most likely the honest truth as he believes it...
So, when and if you decide to give this interview the time of day Sunday night, keep this in mind as you watch... and you will most likely see a man that has deluded himself into actually believing that he is not a child molester...

Listening to: Todd Rundgren - "A Wizard, A True Star" (1973)


I just wanted to take the opportunity to wish all of you a


...and a Happy Festivus for the rest of us...

Listening to: Corrosion of Conformity - "Wiseblood" (1996)


Keenean Interviews With Kurt Loder

On December 26, Mtv2 will be airing an interview TooL/A Perfect Circle singer Maynard James Keenan did recently with Kurt Loder. It will also be airing special music from the APC bunch throughout the day... So tune in, yo...
NOTE: Mtv2 will be taking over the regular Mtv airwaves on the 26th, as well. So those of you that don't get Mtv2, fear not... just tune into your regular normally-really-shitty Mtv.

Listening to: NUdE - "Rising" (2003)


I'm thoroughly convinced this guy has to be the bastard lovechild of (friends and former Spagetty bandmates) Tony & Don...

Listening to: Virgos - "The Path of Least Resistance" (2002)


Jane Says... "Uh, no..."

Jane's Addiction has cancelled the rest of their 2003 tour plans (including their New Year's Eve show with Marylin Manson).

The statement from Perry Farrell:
"Due to exhaustion brought on by a rigorous touring schedule, Jane's Addiction has decided to call off our holiday run of the east and head south to the equator, where we hope to find rest and a new perspective for 2004. We apologize to all our fans and hope that they will understand. We will see everyone in the New Year and happy holidays."

Listening to: Karma to Burn - "Almost Heathen" (2001)


Will Someone Shut This Stank Ho Up???

From the "She really irritates me" department:

"Singer" Lauryn Hill recently gave the Vatican a piece of her mind during their annual Christmas concert, telling them to "repent" for their sexual abuse and corruption.

She also had this to say:
"I did not come here to celebrate the birth of Christ with you but to ask you why you are not in mourning for his death inside this place," she said according to the Rome newspaper La Republica. She also told onlookers to seek blessings "from God not men" saying she did "not believe in representatives of God on earth."

blah blah frickin' blah....

Okay... who thought it would be a good idea to invite an outspoken, socially one-dimensional, non-Catholic R&B singer to a Catholic Christmas celebration? Don't people realize by now that everytime she opens up her mouth, something really ignorant, almost always controversial, and sometimes even racist comes out? (you need look no further that the time outside of an awards show, she actually said, "I'd rather have my baby starve than have a white person buy my album...")

In my maybe-not-so-humble opinion, she is the one that should be looking to repent - for bringing a child of another racist idiot, Wyclef Jean, into the world (then wanting it to starve before some cracker buys her music)... I'm not some big religious guy - far from it, but they certainly didn't invite her to come there so she could get all preachy and political against the Catholic church, they asked to simply come and sing a song... which she just couldn't do without opening her yap about something that doesn't have anything to do with her... We don't care what you think about the church, Lauryn Hill... just sing your shitty music and shut the fuck up... I, personally, don't give a shit about what you think about anything, at all. The sooner you fade away into your little racist world of mediocrity, the better...

Listening to: The Melvins - "Stoner Witch" (1994)


Dear God, Not Again...

Ex Stone Temple Pilots and current Velvet Revolver singer Scott Weiland has done it again, folks. He was reportedly put into a "lockdown" situation at the Pasadena rehab clinic where he has been doing a six-month stint trying to get himself clean - for trying to smuggle drugs into the clinic. It seems that he was let out for several days (under police supervision) to continue work on the Velvet Revolver album due in the Spring of '04... and somehow, got ahold of some shit and tried to take it with him back to the rehab center... That, my dear friends, takes a sincerely special kind of stupid...

Listening to: Frank Zappa - "Jazz From Hell" (1986)


Why is it that when I go to a search engine and type in "Lillix guitar tabs," I don't see a link to my site anywhere (in the first three or so pages, anyway), yet I get tons of hits from people going to search engines and typing in "Lillix guitar tabs" (or many other variations thereof)?

It probably won't help that I've typed "Lillix guitar tabs" in this post three times now, either...

If you're looking for stuff like that, your best bet is to use one of the three links at the top of the page... I don't post "tabs" here... I don't use them, I don't let my guitar students use them in lessons, and in general, most of the time, they are not worth a crud... also (as has been another popular link from search engines to my site), there are no such things as "drum tabs..."

Listening to: Manmade God - "Manmade God" (2003)


What's the Deal?

I was flipping through the channels earlier tonight, and I came across Dennis DeYoung on PBS doing Styx songs with this outrageous orchestra and goofy stage show... most notably without any actual members of Styx besides himself...

Okay, I will admit that I've never been a great big fan of Styx's music. I just always thought it was a bit "overdone" or something like that... I would have liked to have seen them do just a rock album, without all the over-production and stuff, because they were obviously a talented bunch of folks...

I think that Styx is actually back together now, sans DeYoung... If I remember correctly, I think they had had enough of DeYoung trying to turn everything into a huge concept album and horribly gay stage show (does anyone remember that "thing" they tried to do live with Kilroy Was Here with Tommy Shaw having to act all ridiculous and DeYoung prancing around the stage like a sissymary?)...

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I watched ten minutes of that thing on PBS and it was god-awful horrible (the drummer was good, though - the guitarist licked warm ass)... then to top it off, DeYoung was live in the Rocky Mountain PBS studios whoring for pledges... His hair is... well... has to be fake...

p.s. - I'm feeling a little bit better, now... a little bit...

Listening to: King Crimson

Evanescence Guitarist Joins Up With Avril

According to reports, former Evanescence guitarist Ben Moody, who walked out on the band in the middle of a tour of Europe, is collaborating with Avril Lavigne on "a track or two" for her new albums... It is also being reported that Moody is interested in joining Lavigne's touring band...

Mediocre guitarist/songwriter walks out on totally overblown band at height of popularity to work with other totally overblown pop rock star... hmmm

Listening to: King Crimson - "Beat" (1984)



I guess it was only a matter of time before the Colorado flu-thing got a hold of me... so I'm a smidge under the weather... am off Thursday, so I'll probably be spending a lot of it working on the XTATICMUSIC.NET page a bit... but hopefully, I'll get back to some regularish updates here, as well... after some more chicken soup and Halls Mentho-Lyptus... blecch...

Listening to: Greenwheel - "Soma Holiday" (2003)


Bottom Line Nightclub in NYC Evicted

After more than thirty years in the same building, a judge ordered the eviction of the Bottom Line nightclub in Greenwich Village and the return of the space back to its landlords, New York University.

The club actually had no lease, and owed reportedly $190,000 in back rent to NYU.

A lawyer for the club said that the club would re-open in another location. He said, "What makes the Bottom Line is not the building. It's the people who run it."

So... okay... "the people who run it" owed almost $200K in back rent (and that's after companies like AT&T and Sirius Satellite pledged over $285,000 to help keep it open) and never even went about getting a lease... so what's the lawyer trying to say?

Listening to: Switchblade Symphony - "Sweet Little Witches" (2003)


Are American Idol Singers the Musical Equivalent of a Goldfish?


(okay, I'll elaborate - they get old really quick, they pass on, they get flushed down the toilet, and a new goldfish takes its place in the bowl for a couple more months)

Listening to: Systematic - "Pleasure to Burn" (2003)