
Christina, You're Still a Ho

I was flipping the channels the other day (I tend to do that, a lot), and I came across Christina Aguilera on the Ellen DeGeneres Show... I've noticed recently that she's been trying to look all "tame" and such... but no matter how much she tames down her look, it won't ever change her status as a schtanky piece of trash...
And her singing has only gotten worse, as well... Holy jees, does she suck... Instead of cramming a hundred notes into a measure, she's up to about a thousand or so a measure, now... It's like she has to be "singing," even when there are no words to sing... In between verses, all over the place - all through the intros and outros... fucking *ack*... Well, it's just pathetic, if you ask me (and no, I don't care if you didn't)... Trying to dress all civilized only makes her look like even more of a fake, now...

Listening to: Jaco Pastorius - "Word of Mouth" (1981)



I've noticed a few people coming to this site with the intention of finding a Web site for A Perfect Circle bassist Jeordie White...
The best link I can come up with is:


There's some new pics of him from the Denver show, as well (that's how I found the site, anyway)...

After I read some of the stuff he said, basically slagging his former band (Marylin Manson) with that "been there, done that, get on with it already or get out of the way and let me do my shit" attitude, I developed a serious bit of respect for the guy... Then he joined APC, and I got a chance to see that he's way more versatile of a cat than the Mansonites would have ever let him be.

Anyhow, those of you looking for a good Jeordie Web site, there y'go...

Listening to: Karma to Burn - "Karma to Burn" (1997)



The A Perfect Circle / The Mars Volta show at Magness Arena in Denver on the 20th was incredible... Anyone else who saw it knows I speak the truth...

I had some stuff to say about the evening over on the big site... You can read it HERE

Listening to: Steve Vai - "Mystery Tracks - Archives, Vol. 3"


Here We Go, Again

The latest from the "There IS Such a Thing as Bad Publicity" department:

After acting like a total ass in her court appearrance Tuesday, Courtney Love showed up in the David Letterman Show... and proceeded to act like a total ass there, as well on Wednesday... and then proceeded to throw a microphone stand at a guy in a nightclub in NY and get herself arrested... again... She was charged with reckless endangerment and third degree assault...

Frankly, I'm not really all that surprised by her actions... She's quite obviously got some intense problems, and she's hell bent on letting a world that does not care know about it, too... All she is doing with this latest round of bullshit is shooting herself in the foot... over and over... and over...

I'm also getting a little tired of every time I turn around hearing about more of her bizarre, disturbed behavior in the news... All you "Courtney lovers" out there, this is for you:
Courtney Love is not now, nor has she ever been "cool," "hardcore," "edgy," "punk rock," or anything resembling any of the aforementioned... She is borderline certifiably insane, a skank, not talented in the slightest, a drug addict, a skank, a shitty singer, ugly, disrespectful of anyone with more talent than her, a skank, horribly overrated, a waste of space, in need of a lot of help... did I say skank, already?

Listening to: Pat Metheny - "Bright Size Life"


More Jewel Sellout-dom

The latest from the woman who was so appalled by the advertising trends... Jewel will be featured in new ads for L'oreal hair color... Apparently the latest step she's taking to show people the ridiculous lengths advertising has stooped to in order to sell a product...

Is it just me, or could you see something like this coming from her after she made that video that poked so much fun at advertising? I guess that since her album totally tanked, she must need the money...

Listening to: Pat Metheny Group - "Bright Size Life"


Dead Milkman Dead

Former Dead Milkmen bassist Dave Blood committed suicide March 10...

His sister had this to say on the band's website:
This morning Dave Blood is no longer with us.
David is my brother. Since the breakup of the band David has never really found his niche in life.
My brother was a smart clever and talented person. Inner peace has seemed to elude him for the last many years.
Sometime last night David chose to end his life.
He left a note that I don't know all of what it said,he was not elaborate-but he said he just could not stand to go on any longer.

Our mother passed away at the end of January and maybe David just had had enough.

There will be a memorial service in a few weeks. I will try to remember to come to this board and post it.It will be in the Delaware County area.

Please pray for the respose of my bother's soul; that he now has the peace that seemed to elude him most of his life.

I want to say that one of the shiniest parts of David's life was being a Dead Milkman and having that claim to fame.And the fans who appreciated the talent and time that went into making the band rise above the ordinary-thank you all for making my brother feel and know that he was indeed somebody.


I find this to be pretty shitty news... I loved the Milkmen when they were around... I could always count on them to make me laugh when I was down, or even when I wasn't...

I'm sure I don't need to say this, but he'll be missed...

Listening to: the clicks of the keyboard as I type...

The Latest On Stupid People

So, I was out the other day, and the original version of "What I Like About You" by the Romantics came on the overhead music system... a grown person (well, they were at least 21 or so) was with their mother (apparently, anyway), and I heard them actually say, "Hey, somebody did a copy of that Lillix song..." I damn near wanted to smack them... but I laughed, instead... I lowered my head and laughed to myself... the lowereing of my head wasn't to prevent them seeing me laugh at them, but it was more a lowering of shame for how lost some people are...

Listening to: Sevendust - "Seasons" (2003)


Puddle of Pudd

God, I hate Puddle of Mudd... almost as much as I hate Nickleback... well, I despise them rather equally, in fact... But that Wes Scantlin dink is... well... a fuckin' dink... After he got arrested in Toledo, he went to Mtv and gave them excuse after excuse about what happened... when the truth was so much easier... He got way fucked up and couldn't play... he fucked around onstage and made an ass of himself and drove probably the 500 fans they had left to other equally as shitty bands (rather than how he said that "they" were "making an exapmle of him..." he made his own example)...
University of Minnesota cancelled the PoM show after the events in Toledo, and said they were worried of the atmosphere he might create... when the truth was probably more like that they just didn't want a stupid dickweed band on their campus...

I wish someone would arrest him for that god-awful shitty music...

Listening to: The Who - "Face Dances"


Hypocrisy is Funny, Sometimes

I'm sure that most people in the civilized world remember the recent Jewel video for the overtly shitty pop song "Intuition" (in one person's words, "the best Britney Spears song in years"), where she openly bashes ridiculous marketing fakery to sell a product.

Fast forward a few months later, and see the television advertisement for the Schick Intuition Razor, featuring none other than Jewel's song as the background (yeah, it's been around for a while, but I'm just getting around to griping about it).

So, in the song, Jewel asks you to "follow your heart," telling you to resist the sometimes overwhelming marketing ploys, and then she turns right around and licenses her song to a huge company for the very purpose her song and video satirize...

I there a lesson, here? Hmm... Well, maybe that everyone has their price? I hear she even performed at Intuitionfest, a concert in Central Park sponsored by Schick. The idea that Jewel is openly disgusted by advertising trends, except the ones that use her music, is extremely laughable.

People can be so fake. Maybe Jewel is just following her heart, and being a true sellout in the purest form.

Those of you that know me can probably guess what's coming, next... Yep, that's right:

Fuck Jewel. Her music sucks goatnuts, anyway.

Listening to: Jaco Pastorius - "Word of Mouth" (1981)