
There are Pervs in Music???


Static-X guitarist Tripp Eisen (born Tod Sandoval) was charged on Friday in New Jersey with
aggravated sexual assault, child endangerment and kidnapping after allegedly sexually assaulting a fourteen year-old girl he met over the Internet.

Reportedly, Sandoval met the girl on the Internet and told her that he "liked to impersonate" Eisen of Static-X. They began exchanging emails in October. He allegedly drove to New Jersey in January of this year, picked up the girl and took her to a mall parking lot where he had sex with her.

He was also arrested in his native Orange County, California on February 10 of this year after he was found asleep in his car with an underage girl. He was charged with one felony count of committing a lewd act with a child and released on $100,000 bail.

Someone smack that fool... and then get him some help... please.

Listening to: Stone Temple Pilots - "Core"
The Tribulation Has Begun, Pt. II

Just when I had calmed my stomach down after reading that schlocky bullshit email from Fred Durst to Paris Hilton, out comes... yeah, you guessed it - a sex tape - featuring none other than Durst, himself... and my guts are still in several knots.

Apparently, many thought that the "leaked" footage was somehow related to the recent hack of Ms. Hilton's phone...
But some research has suggested that the footage may have been "stolen" from Durst's personal computer earlier in '04. Whether this is actually true, or (more likely) Durst himself is behind the "leak" (in whatever retarded attempt to remain remotely relevant to people that couldn't give a shit less about him, anymore) remains to be seen...

At this point, I have honestly begun to feel a bit sad for Freddy. Not sympathetic... he's a dickhead poseur - I have no sympathy for dickheads or poseurs... but sadness. Ms. Hilton, Gina Lee Nolin, Bam Margera, Alison Hannigan (to name a few) have all had footage of their sexual daliances pop up on the Internet in recent months... it smells like maybe Durst may be behind this latest "leak," maybe in an attempt to drum up some hype for himself and his band so that maybe they can sell a few more copies of their upcoming release, or something... which is just... y'know, sad. Even if he's not responsible for leaking the footage, he's responsible for filming his sex acts with this girl, whoever she is... and that's sad on another level, completely.

(NOTE: the link that was here - freddurstsextape.com - seems to have gone away, and so has the subsequent mirror that I posted - freddursthack.com - I'm not gonna bother trying to find it, again...)

My condolences to the girl in the footage who has to be the subject of crap like this.

It's almost like you can actually hear his career ending... listen... hear it? Yeah, that right there.

On the upside, you can now see what it's like when a gay guy has sex with a woman... ("Wait... What is this that my dick has mistakenly stumbled into? It's warm, like my lover Wes's butthole, but not as hairy or as smelly... forget this, I'm getting a limp bizkit. I better go find my man so I can get off for real...")

If anyone is interested, I DO have Fred's confirmed cell number as well as his email addresses (to his Blackberry and otherwise) if you'd like to maybe harass him a little... Contact me and maybe I'll clue ya in. Inasmuch as I loathe him with all of my musical being, I haven't been able to bring myself to fire him a text message or call to inform him of just how big a worthless, irrelevant douche he really is... but that shouldn't stop YOU from doing it if ya want... ;)

Listening to: Kyuss
The Tribulation Has Begun...

I was planning on doing a post on my favorite shit-for-brains, Fred Durst, and a recently discovered email to Paris Hilton, courtesy of the recent hack of her Sidekick. Well, fuck it... I'll talk about it anyway - but lo and behold, tonight, I discovered a beautiful addition to this story... well sorta...

So, Paris Hilton's phone got hacked, thanks to the fact that she used something so stupid as her dog's name to protect her password (note: learn from her mistake and don't do something so stupid that people, friends, potential ex-friends or otherwise can use their noggin and hack your shit with). What follows is reportedly the email from Fred Durst to Ms. Hilton. Okay, see... Fred is a dumbass, and he develops
these unnatural obsessions with various star-people... Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Halle Berry, Avril Lavigne, Lindsay Lohan (a minor, nonetheless), and Angelina Jolie have all been subjects of Durst's damned-near-stalking in the past, as well as public rants on his various webjournals... I wish I had saved some of the posts, because they were actually quite humorous and gave the reader some insight into the deranged idiocy that is Durst... Enter Paris Hilton:

Date Tue, 16 Nov 2004 09:14:28 -0800
From Wfd
To Paris Hilton
Subject Re:

So much it hurts me that you just vanished! You are my heart. You told me so many things about how much you loved me and I was the one. Remember I have been in the mountains recording since I last saw you. I come to LA for two days today then back to the woods until christmas. I know you love me and haven't been able to replace me!! I haven't fucking shaved since I saw you! I've been in a depression. But more clear than ever.

Okay... I just about chucked my dinner all over the place as I read this... it's probably the stupidest thing to come from his "mouth," yet... and he's responsible for some really stupid shit coming out of that mouth, too... Maybe Good Charlotte can take it and turn it into another shitty emo song.
If I remember correctly, about this time (November '04) was when he was writing in his journal about how much he wanted Ms. Jolie (something about a dream he had about her, blah blah blah, he wanted her more than he's ever wanted any girl ever in his life, blah blah blah...)... Never said a word about Ms. Hilton, ever... and Fred pretty much can't keep his mouth shut about anything, real or imagined.
I also remember it because I went to the LimpBizkit website and saw where Wes Borland had rejoined the band and they were in the mountains recording... he also was talking (and there were plenty of pics) about how the entire band all agreed not to shave until they left for Christmas, in an attempt to get all into the "mountainman" thing or something like that... so basically, it had nothing to do with any "depression" Durst was feeling towards Ms. Hilton... or maybe everyone in the band was boning Ms. Hilton and they were all depressed and not shaving... That actually makes a small bit of sense, considering the skankiness of Ms. Hilton.

Beautiful shit, I tell ya... but it would seem that Durst's story got even better, today...
(next post, yo)

Listening to: Kyuss - "Welcome to Sky Valley"


They're Still On?

I was surprised to realize that the Osbournes was still on television (this must be the "last season" that Ozzy referred to late last year)...

In the episode I caught, Sharon refused to believe that her precious daughter Kelly could possibly be on drugs, which I (and I'm sure many others) had pretty much figured out after the first couple of seasons... It was almost entertaining, for a change... I love to see pompous, bratty, no-talent "stars" spiral out of control... Okay, so I really don't. I honestly feel bad for the Oz man having to deal with things like that within his family, after all he has had to deal with in his life with drugs... I don't feel diddly shit for Sharon, because (for one, she's a stupid bitch, but) she blames everyone else except Kelly for Kelly's problems (she goes off about Kelly's friend Sarah being a skank after she comes home with a pierced lip - big fucking deal, y'know? I mean, she is twenty years old. Then proceeds to blame this Sarah person for Kelly's addiction... which y'know...HELLO???? YOUR HUSBAND, THE FATHER OF YOUR CHILDREN, IS OZZY "I'VE BEEN IN REHAB SO MANY TIMES IT'S NOT FUNNY" OSBOURNE!!! What in the world does she expect?) Kelly makes all these excuses about what her problem is... gallstones and all kinds of other shit... Ozzy says "I know exactly what the problem is... She's on drugs..." and Sharon's all like, "No, she's really sick... she's not on drugs." Ack... It's basically the affirmation of what I've thought all along... Sharon is an idiot... and so is her youngest daughter.

I heard that Kelly was making all sorts of outrageous demands while she was in rehab, as well... A manicurist??? Are you fucking kidding me??? If I was the Oz man, I'd give her a two-dollar pair of nail clippers and say, "There's your bloody manicurist, y'whiny brat."

Ozzy could seriously use some subtitles, at this point, as well... ;)

Listening to: Jeff Buckley - "Grace"


I Like to Beat Dead Horses, Sometimes...

I know, I know... More slagging of Ashlee Simpson is rather pointless... I mean, what more can anyone really say? Well, I never knew this until last night, but apparently, before that whole Saturday Night Live thang, Ashlee did an interview with Lucky Magazine where she addressed people that lip-synched. She said:

"I'm totally against it and offended by it. I'm going out to let my real talent show, not to just stand there and dance around. Personally, I'd never lip-synch. It's just not me."


Her dad and manager said in an interview the day after the "oops" that she was so hoarse from the acid reflux (which can irritate vocal chords) that she couldn't even get through any part of the songs in rehearsals... If that's the case, then someone tell me - how come at the end of the show, when she was standing there with Jude Law, blaming the whole thing on her band, her voice sounded totally normal? Makes ya go "hmmmm," doesn't it?

Listening to: Unified Theory


Et Tu, Sir Paul?

Super Bowl halftime... Paul McCartney... lip synching...


Well, okay... I can say this much... they sold it very well... but if they weren't faking it, it was the tightest live sound ever produced... and Paul just doesn't sound like that, live... I mean, live sound, in general, in front of 70,000 people, does not tend to sound like it was pre-recorded in a studio.

...at least they didn't try to bring Mary J. Blige or some other nastiness out to sing along with him (as was the case a few years ago when Britney Spears and her did Aerosmith's "Walk This Way" - well, actually, I think there were a couple others doing the song too, including Aerosmith... but Mary J. had claimed that she had never heard the song before... which would make her the most sheltered recording artist in the history of mankind)

Listening to: ...


Almost There

The Stop Ashlee Simpson Petition is almost to 300,000...

C'mon, people... you can do it.

Listening to: my ears ringing from loud music...



So I was bored flipping through the channels, just about to fall asleep... when I realized that Mtv's Ashlee Simpson Show was on, and it was supposed to be the one chronicling her appearrance on Saturday Night Live... I didn't get to see the very beginning but they sure as shit spun it into some sort of positive for her... She was all, "I was so over it," and all that garbage... which despite her best acting job, she will never be "over it." It's basically ruined her career in the long haul (well, not to mention the NCAA halftime thing, which helped a little, too)... But I still enjoyed watching her and the Mtv douchery try to make it out like it was "no big deal."

Incidentally, I fell asleep right after...

On a side note, can someone tell me why she is on the cover of Cosmopolitan? Joe pulling some strings, calling in some favors, maybe? I seriously thought they tended to put attractive women on the cover of that rag... but apparently, I am mistaken.

Listening to: nothing... go figure.


from my sitemeter:

Is Fred Durst Gay?

Short answer: yes.
Answer after you've conducted a Yahoo! Search on the subject: still yes.

Listening to: Soilwork - "Natural Born Chaos" (2002)